190 Wesley and the Wesleyans
the societies intensified after the move to Bristol and deeply
affected his personality. Within the compass of this expanding
subculture he was able to believe what he wanted to believe, to
tolerate and exploit in an approving community ideas about
faith, healing, guidance and so forth, whichhe knew woulden-
counter only very limited sympathy, and sometimes disdain,
elsewhere. The pietist system assured him that faith could
transform the natural man and woman.
Above all, Wesley was able to drop out of the mainstream
of British society, to wander around the British Isles for about
fifty years, in the firm and honest belief that he was specially
called by God to behave in this way. The importance of this
pilgrimage for Wesleyanism, as distinct from Wesley himself,
should not be exaggerated. It is significant that:
in spite of John Wesley’s twenty-six visits to Cumbria, the only im-
portant society established before his death was at Whitehaven, his
favourite Cumbrian place and destination for the traveller on his fre-
quent Irish crossings. There were a few small societies scattered across
West Cumberland, and a promising beginning in Carlisle, but until
the late eighteenth century Methodist membership was under 50 0 in
the county ...John Wesley was not happy or at home in rural areas, if
only because he found their inhabitants lacking in education, emotion,
and response to his outpourings.
Wesley itinerated because he needed to itinerate.
When he was in his thirties he could not face a future which
would consist of marrying a woman whom he thought was
suitable to be a clergyman’s wife and then spending his time in
therepetitiveactivitiesof acountryparish. Thoughsometimes
attracted by particular women, he always viewed marriage
with suspicion; but when in his middle-age those who thought
theyknew himbest, includingGeorgeWhitefield,insistedthat
he ought to marry, he did so, and then tried to apply the same
combination of authoritarianism and providential drift to his