174 Wesley and the Wesleyans
image of Wesleyanism as a holiness movement, a valid view
in the 1760s, and this in turn suggested the picture of a purified
ecclesia reminiscent of the strangerseventeenth-century sects.
Moderate Anglicans concluded that Wesley had not altogether
lost hope of a dramatic, even eschatological, transformation
of society in the near future.
Such impressions could only be strengthened when, again
in his answer to Warburton, Wesley seemed to challenge the
claim of the Church of England to be a Church at all:
Many of those who were once baptised, and are called Christians to this
day, hear the word of God, attend public prayers, and partake of the
Lord’s Supper.But neither does this pr ove that they are Christians. For
notwithstanding this, some of them live in open sin; and others (though
not conscious to themselves of hypocrisy) are utter strangers to the
religion of the heart; are f ull of pride, vanity,covetousness,ambition; of
hatred, anger, malice or envy; and consequently, are no more spiritual
Christians than the open drunkard or common swearer ...Now these
being removed, where are the Christians? ...The men who have the
mind which was in Christ, and who walk as he walked, whose inmost
soul is renewed after the image of God, and who are outwardly holy, as
he who hath called them is holy? There are doubtless a few such to be
found. To deny this would be a want of candour. But how few? How
thinly scattered up and down? And as for a Christian visible church, or
a body of Christians visibly united together, where is this to be seen?
The rhetorical device – pitting one ideal type against an-
other to the writer’s satisfaction – was not difficult, and similar
judgementsabout the state of the nationwere a standard part of
the eighteenth-century preacher’s armoury. But the question
where a body of genuine Christians (as Wesley defined them)
can be seen ‘visibly united together’ could only be treated
as rhetorical if one allowed that there never had been such a
Church, except possibly the Church of the apostles, and never
would be. Otherwise, some of Wesley’s Anglican readers
were bound to feel that the attack was meant for them, and