160 Wesley and the Wesleyans
what had happened to Berridge outside the religious sphere:
Berridgehad changedhis opinion, but was notentitled to claim
divine authority for doing so.
Berridge, foreseeing this kind of reaction, had noted that
before he heard these words he was unusually calm, but that
after them he was immediately in a tempest: tears flowed like
a torrent and the scales fell fr om his eyes:
When a man is convinced of sin, he feels what he never knew before,
that he hath no Faith, and in this state men continue a longer or a
shorter time, till God works faith in them, and then they know that
they are forgiven. After that sanctification goes onward, and they are
filled with Joy and Peace.
Secker added another note:
By faith he means a full persuasion that God through Christ hath
forgiven him. Whether this be justifying faith, see more clearly after-
wards. Only observe here, that men, convinced they have sinned, may
be falsely persuaded, that God has forgiven them, for so he supposes
himself to have been for many years.
Secker’s caution as regards subjective Christian experi-
ence, and claims to have received direct spiritual guidance,
have to be set in a secondary theological context. During the
Reformation the question of whether contemporary – that
is, sixteenth-century – supernatural activity, in the form of
visions, acts of healing and direct inspiration by the Spirit,
was still taking place, had become a fundamental issue.
Roman Catholic a pologists def ended the opinion that events
of this kind were evidentiary marks of the true ecclesia,
and claimed that the Roman Church possessed these marks,
whereas (they said) the Protestant Churches did not. Catholic
writers had the advantage that this particular speculative
theological notion appealed, as one would expect, to primary
religious impulses, so much so that the European recovery of
Catholicism in the seventeenth century was deeply indebted