but in all the colonial empires. In Britain’s colonial wars, a punitive expe-
dition might vary from a platoon of the Camel Corps riding against one
village to months-long operations on the Northwest Frontier carried out
by thousands of soldiers.
Air control meant substituting aerial bombardment for the traditional
ground punitive expedition. Airplanes had the advantage of reaching the
object of the punitive expedition, i.e. the tribal headquarters or main
village, very quickly. Airplanes also possessed the capability to inflict
serious harm upon rebellious natives. Since disruption and destruction
was the goal of a punitive expedition, a small force of airplanes was pre-
ferred as it could inflict as much damage as a large, cumbersome and
expensive ground force expedition and do it far more cheaply. Indeed, in
the view of the colonial administrators, airpower was superior to ground
forces because it could inflict punishment quickly. An immediate and
sharp response to a hostile action gave the British a psychological advant-
age under typical conditions in which small numbers of colonial adminis-
trators and police were required to control large numbers of tribal
peoples that were often kept quiet by the threat of force.
With Iraq and the Northwest Frontier quieting down and the campaign
in Somaliland successfully completed, Air Marshal Trenchard met with
Colonial Secretary Winston Churchill at the Cairo Conference on Middle
East Affairs in 1921 and formally proposed that the RAF take over the task
of directing military operations in Iraq and that the primary British garri-
son for Iraq should be RAF squadrons.
Trenchard asserted that a few
RAF squadrons, supported by armoured car units and locally recruited
troops, could keep order at a fraction of the cost of a large army garrison.
The financial argument for air control was irresistible to Whitehall, so in
October 1922, RAF Air Marshal John Salmond took over military
command in Iraq. It was the first time that an airman had been placed in
control of all military operations in a country.
The RAF’s garrison for Iraq
was initially eight squadrons of fighters and light bombers, such as multi-
purpose DH-9, supported by four RAF armoured car companies.
forces were, in turn, supported by 15,000 Iraqi troops and police, 5,000 of
them under British command and being organized as an Iraqi Army. Iraqi
forces were paid for by the Iraqi state.
Through the 1920s and 1930s in Iraq and small colonies such as Aden,
the RAF was able to quell minor tribal banditry by swiftly punishing the
culprits from the air.
The colonial air control policy later gave rise to
some myths about the relative effectiveness of airpower that still persist.
The first popular myth was the descriptions of colonial operations as
purely air operations, which was rarely the case. Aside from very small
police actions, such as bombing tribes in Aden to suppress cattle rustling,
RAF colonial operations are best described as modern joint operations in
which aircraft played a traditional supporting role to ground forces. In
suppressing the sizeable Kurdish rebellions in Northern Iraq in the 1920s
The RAF in imperial defence 155