M. Epkenhansand G.P. Gross (eds), Das Militär und der Aufbruch in die Moderne
1860 bis 1890 (München, 2003).
43 N. d’Ombrain, War Machinery and High Policy: Defence Administration in Peacetime
Britain: 1902–1914 (Oxford, 1973).
44 A. Offer, The First World War: An Agrarian Interpretation (Oxford, 1989).
45 Ibid., 404.
46 A.D. Lambert, ‘Winning without Fighting: British Grand Strategy and Its
Application to the US, 1815–1865’ in B.A. Lee and K.F. Walling (eds), Stra-
tegic Logic and Political Rationality: Essays in Honor of Michael Handel (London,
2003), 164–193.
47 A.D. Lambert, ‘Great Britain and the Baltic, 1809–1890’ in Rystad et al. (eds)
In Quest of Trade and Security: The Baltic in Great Power Politics. Part One
1500–1900, 297–334.
48 A.D. Lambert, The Crimean War: British Grand Strategy against Russia, 1853–1856
(Manchester, 1990).
49 J. Beeler (ed.), Letters and Papers of Admiral Sir A. Milne. Vol. I (Aldershot,
50 S.W. Roskill, Hankey – Man of Secrets. Volume I 1877–1916 (London, 1970).
51 G.S. Clarke, Fortification (London, 1890 and 1907); G.S. Clarke, Imperial Defence
(London, 1897), G.S. Clarke, The Navy and the Nation (with James Thursfield)
(London, 1897); G.S. Clarke, My Working Life (London, 1927); G.S. Clarke,
Studies of an Imperialist (London, 1927).
52 B. Gough, Gunboat Frontier: British Maritime Ascendancy and Northwest Coast
Indians, 1846–1890 (Vancouver, 1984). See also D.L. Smith (ed.), A Tour of
Duty in the Pacific Northwest: E A Porcher and HMS Sparrowhawk, 1865–1868 (Fair-
banks, Alaska, 2000).
53 J. Samson, Imperial Benevolence: Making British Authority in the Pacific Islands
54 R.E. Dumett (ed.), Gentlemanly Capitalism and British Imperialism: The New Debate
on Empire (London, 1999), 68–81.
55 A. Day, The Admiralty Hydrographic Service: 1795–1919 (London, 1967), 266–269,
326 for the Baltic issues.
56 A.D. Lambert, ‘ “This is all we want”. Great Britain and the Baltic Approaches
1815–1914’, in J. Sevaldsen (ed.), Britain and Denmark: Political, Economic and
Cultural Relations in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Copenhagen, 2003), 147–169.
57 A. David, The Voyage of HMS Herald 1852–1861 (Melbourne, 1995).
58 See Lambert 1990 for Captains Sulivan and Spratt.
59 Sir J. Herschel (ed.), Admiralty Manual (London, 1849), iv. There were several
later editions.
60 M. Deacon, Scientists and the Sea 1650–1900: A study of Marine Science (London,
1971), 290–292.
61 G.E. Weir, An Ocean in Common: American Naval Officers, Scientists and the Ocean
Environment (Texas, 2001).
62 A.D. Lambert, ‘Wirtschafliche macht, technologischer Vorsprung und Imperi-
ale Stärke: Grossbritannien als einzigartige globale macht 1860 bis 1890’,
63 P. Halpern, A Naval History of the World War One (Annapolis, 1994); H. Stra-
chan, The First World War: Volume 1 To Arms (Oxford, 2001).
132 A. Lambert