2 The best summary of all these post-war changes to the international system is
found in Zara Steiner, The Lights That Failed: European International History,
1919–1933 (Oxford, 2005); Patrick Finney, ed., Palgrave Advances in Inter-
national History (London, 2005); Stephen W. Roskill, Naval Policy Between the
Wars, Vol. 1 (London, 1968); Malcolm H. Murfett, “Look Back in Anger:
The Western Powers and the Washington Conference of 1921–1922”, in B.J.C.
McKercher, ed., Arms Limitation and Disarmament: Restraints on War, 1899–1939
(Westport, CT, 1992), pp. 83–104.
3 Christopher M. Bell, The Royal Navy, Seapower and Strategy Between the Wars
(London, 2000); Keith Neilson, Britain, Soviet Russia and the Collapse of the
Versailles Order, 1919–1939 (Cambridge, 2006); Keith Neilson and Greg
Kennedy, eds, Far Flung Lines: Studies in Imperial Defence in Honour of Donald
Mackenzie Schurman (London, 1997).
4 C.I. Hamilton, “Expanding Naval Powers: Admiralty Private Secretaries and
Private Offices, 1800–1945”, War in History, 10 (2003), pp. 127–156; C.I. Hamil-
ton, “British Naval Policy, Policy-makers and Financial Control, 1860–1945”,
War in History, 12 (2005), pp. 371–395; G.C. Peden, The Treasury and British
Public Policy (Oxford, 2000); G.C. Peden, British Rearmament and the Treasury
(Edinburgh, 1979); Clavin, Patricia, The Failure of Economic Diplomacy: Britain,
Germany, France and the United States, 1931–36 (Basingstoke, 1996).
5 Greg Kennedy, Anglo-American Strategic Relations and the Far East, 1933–1939
(London, 2002); Joseph A. Maiolo, The Royal Navy and Nazi Germany,
1933–1939: A Study in Appeasement and the Origins of the Second World War
(London, 1998); Arthur J. Marder, Old Friends, New Enemies: The Royal Navy and
the Imperial Japanese Navy (Oxford, 1981); Antony Best, Britain, Japan and Pearl
Harbor: Avoiding War in East Asia, 1936–1941 (London, 1995); Carolyn J.
Kitching, Britain and the Geneva Disarmament Conference (Basingstoke, 2003);
Tadashi Kuramatsu, “The Geneva Conference of 1927: The British Preparation
for the Conference, December 1926 to June 1927”, Journal of Strategic Studies,
19 (1996), pp. 104–121; P. Haggie, Britannia at Bay: The Defence of the British
Empire Against Japan, 1931–1941 (Oxford, 1981).
6 Richard Fanning, “The Coolidge Conference of 1927: Disarmament in Disarry”
in McKercher, Arms Limitation. pp. 64–79; Christopher Hall, Britain, America
and Arms Control, 1921–1937 (London, 1987); Gaines Post Jr, “Mad Dogs and
Englishmen: British Rearmament, Deterrence and Appeasement, 1934–35”,
Armed Forces and Society, 14 (1988), pp. 329–357; Carolyn J. Kitching, Britain and
the Problem of International Disarmament, 1919–1934 (London, 1999).
7 W.R. Louis, British Strategy in the Far East, 1919–1939 (Oxford, 1971): Ian
Cowman, Dominion and Decline: Anglo-American Naval Relations in the Pacific,
1937–1941 (Oxford, 1996); P.J. Cain and A.G. Hopkins, British Imperialism:
Crisis and Deconstruction 1914–1990 (London, 1993); James Belich, Making
Peoples: A History of the New Zealanders, 2 vols (Auckland, 2001); John Gooch,
“The Politics of Strategy: Great Britain, Australia and the War Against Japan”,
War in History, 10 (2003) pp. 424–447; Lorna Lloyd, “ ‘Us and Them’: The
Changing Nature of Commonwealth Diplomacy, 1880–1973”, Commonwealth
and Comparative Politics, 39 (2001), pp. 9–30; Paul Twomey, “Small Power Secur-
ity Through Great Power Arms Control? – Australian Perceptions of Disarma-
ment, 1919–1930”, War and Society, 8 (1990), pp. 71–99; John D. Meehan,
“Steering Clear of Great Britain: Canada’s Debate over Collective Security in
the Far Eastern Crisis of 1937”, The International History Review, 25 (2003),
pp. 253–281.
8 John B. Hattendorf ed., Naval Strategy and Policy in the Mediterranean, Past, Present
and Future (London, 2000), pp. 51–147; Reynolds M. Salerno, Vital Crossroads:
Mediterranean Origins of the Second World War, 1935–1940 (Ithaca, NY, and
146 G. Kennedy