PART 2 2
Class 1520 Aircraft, Rotary Wing
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12344 1520 56782579
B28E3> C473;8EA3 EA2O=357 :E3 7C6H8E32S;9D :EBG3752>
3-117T, A878695 84;3P5;9 ?925<3PB7;9JB C4768F-
47E3JB 87 L68<BF;8G8 B<;843 ?6B 63H875 4 ;5?8:G878E-
25;;9D ?28P3:8A. 4?8J8G3752S;3> 4B28E3> C473;8EA3
8H54?5=BE357 3E78;8J;CO LA4?2C373MBO E56782573.
65:47E3 ?8E9Q5;B> E9@BE35J847B EA2O=3O7:
- H68;B68E3;B5 A3HB; LAB?3@3;
- ?86B479F <3?82;B752S 78?2BE;9D H3A8E;
- ?6875A7869 78?2BE;9D H3A8E;
- 8H86C:8E3;B5 ?687BE8?8@36;8F <3PB79;
- LA63;;8-E9D28?;95 C4768F47E3 :EBG37525F;
- :CH2B68E3;B5 B 65<56EB68E3;B5 B478=;BA8E GB:68- B
L25A768?B73;B>, 84;8E;9D M5?5F C?63E25;B>.
3 A8;482>D A6923 634?828@5;8 6 C<28E ?8:E54AB E88-
;3=323 456BF;8G8 ?68B<E8:47E3 E56782573 TB-24
(1970 G.) E9?CP5;9 425:COPB5 5G8 J8:BiBA3MBB:
TB-24, 84;3P5;;9F E47685;;8F ;5?8:EB@;8F ?CQ5=;8F
C473;8EA8F 30 JJ;
TB-24j (LA4?867;9F E36B3;7 TB-25) 4 ?687BE873;A8E9J
63A57;9J A8J?25A48J «l323;G3» B E47685;;8F ?8:EB@-
;8F ?C25J57;8F C473;8EA8F 12,7 JJ;
TB-24 (LA4?867;9F E36B3;7 TB-35) 4 ?687BE873;A8E9J
63A57;9J A8J?25A48J «n7C6J» B E47685;;8F ?8:EB@;8F
?C25J57;8F C473;8EA8F 12,7 JJ;
TB-24 4 ?687BE873;A8E9J 63A57;9J A8J?25A48J
«n7C6J» B E47685;;8F ?8:EB@;8F ?CQ5=;8F C473;8EA8F
23 JJ 4 H85A8J?25A78J 470 ?3768;8E.
45 E56782579 45J5F47E3 TB-24 (EA2O=3> LA4?867;95 E3-
6B3;79) BJ5O7 ;5C?63E2>5J85 63A57;85, 3 73A@5 A8;75F-
;56;85 E886C@5;B5 4 ?C25J573JB, G63;378J573JB B ?CQ-
A3JB B 84;3P5;9 8H<86;8-?6BM52S;9J, ?B2873@;8-;3EB-
G3MB8;;9J, 63:B84E><;9J B :6CGBJ 8H86C:8E3;B5J, 8H54-
?5=BE3OPBJ 65Q5;B5 ?B2873@;9D, ;3EBG3MB8;;9D B ?6B-
M52S;9D <3:3= A3A 257=BA8J, 73A B 257=BA8J-8?5637868J.
8678E85 8H86C:8E3;B5 ?8<E82>57 ?6BJ5;>7S E56782579
:;5J B E 4CJ56A3D E ?68479D J5758C428EB>D.
56782579 J8GC7 LA4?2C37B68E37S4> 48 423H88H86C:8E3;-
;9D G6C;78E9D ?28P3:8A ?63A7B=54AB E 2OH9D iB<BA8-
G58G63iB=54ABD C428EB>D.
J8:BiBA3MBB E56782573 TB-24T (LA4?867;9F E36B3;7
- C473;8E25;9 C;BiBMB68E3;;95 4 TB-28 475A28?2347B-
A8E95 28?347B ;54CP5G8 EB;73 4 ;5 765HCOP5F 4J3<AB
E7C2A8F B J328QCJ;9F o-8H63<;9F 6C25E8F EB;7;
- 8H25G=5; ?23;56 (CA868=5;8 A6928, ?6BJ5;5;8 ;5CHB63-
OP554> Q344B B :6.);
- E 48473E E886C@5;B> EA2O=5;9 C?63E2>5J95 63A579
«73A3» A23443 «E8<:CD - <5J2>» B 63A579 «pG23» A23443
«E8<:CD - E8<:CD»;
- E 48473E 8H86C:8E3;B> EE5:5;9 E9=B42B752S;9F A8J?-
25A4 B 23<56;9F :32S;8J56.
T8:56;B<B68E3;;85 H8678E85 63:B8L25A768;;85 8H86C-
:8E3;B5 8H54?5=BE357 A6CG284C78=;85 H85E85 ?6BJ5;5-
;B5 TB-35T.
36B3;79 E886C@5;B> TB-35T:
- 4 q «73A3», 2 q «pG23», 40 -8;
- 16 q «73A3», 40 -8;
- 16 q «73A3», 10 -13;
- 8 q «pG23», 40 -8;
- 8 q «pG23», 10 -13;
- 80 -8;
- 20 -13.
Since the beginning of the Mi-24’s full-scale produc-
tion (1970), the following modifications have been
- Mi-24P, equipped with a 30mm built-in fixed gun
- Mi-24D (its export version Mi-25), equipped with the
Falanga ATGM system and a 12.7mm built-in flexibly
mounted machine gun;
- Mi-24V (its export version Mi-35), equipped with the
Shturm ATGM system and a 12.7mm built-in flexibly
mounted machine gun;
- Mi-24VP, armed with the Shturm ATGM system and a
23mm built-in flexibly mounted gun with ammunition
load of 470 rounds.
All the Mi-24 family helicopters (including their export
versions) are armed with unguided rockets, podded
machine guns, grenade launchers and guns, and are
equipped with surveillance and aiming, flight control
and navigation, radio communications and other equip-
ment enabling the pilot and pilot-operator to execute
flight control, navigation and sighting missions.
The onboard equipment enables the crew to fly the
helicopter in the daytime and twilight in VFR weather
The helicopters can be operated from poorly prepared
natural-surfaced sites virtually in any physical and geo-
graphical environment.
The Mi-24VM version (its export version Mi-35M) fea-
tures the following:
- the helicopter is equipped with a main rotor fitted with
glassfiber blades unified with those of the Mi-28N, a
hub requiring no lubrication, and a low-noise X-shaped
tail rotor;
- the airframe is lightened (the wing is shortened, non-
retractable landing gear is used, etc.);
- the armament system is complemented with the
Ataka air-to-ground and Igla air-to-air missiles;
- the helicopter is additionally equipped with a comput-
er complex and a laser rangefinder.
The updated avionics ensures round-the-clock combat
employment of the Mi-35M helicopter.
The Mi-35M’s armament versions are as follows:
- four Ataka and two Igla missiles, 40 S-8 unguided
- 16 Ataka missiles, 40 S-8 unguided rockets;
- 16 Ataka missiles, ten S-13 unguided rockets;
- eight Igla missiles, 40 S-8 unguided rockets;
- eight Igla missiles, ten S-13 unguided rockets;
- 80 S-8 unguided rockets;
- 20 S-13 unguided rockets.