PART 2 2
Class 1510 Aircraft, Fixed Wing
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The EW system is intended for electronic intelligence
(elint) and all-aspect protection of the aircraft within the
infrared and radar frequency bands in the automatic
operation mode.
The system comprises:
- elint station intended to locate enemy ground-based,
airborne and shipborne acquisition/fire control radars
and determine a critical target and its coordinates;
- active jammer to set deceptive, intermittent and noise
- modulated infrared-band jammer;
- heat decoy dispenser with 192 decoy cartridges.
In addition, the Su-39 is equipped with special projec-
tiles (decoys) to simulate employment of weapons to
disclose and deceive enemy air defense assets and mis-
lead various missiles.
A complex of combat survivability means with a total
weight of 1,115 kg ensures virtually 100-percent protec-
tion of the crew and all vital aircraft units and assemblies
against gun fire (up to 30mm) and enables the pilot to
safely return to the home airfield when the aircraft is hit
by the Stinger-type missile.
The Su-39 is simple in operation and can be used from
poorly prepared unpaved runways (up to 1,200 m long)
and highlands (up to 3,000 m above sea level).
Its engines can use both aviation kerosene and diesel
The aircraft is not expensive in mastering by flight per-
sonnel and maintenance staff.
+*P&,T( ef PJ,KL'ML'N,L K&O J'KR+-,XLRN,(T+W J'M-
S,KTR () R S(,J'TUJ(T+W M'^R-. ('*+&,-' S J'KR+&+-
T'VR+LL+* R KR'P'M+L'X S 'S-+*'-RN,(T+* J,QR*,.
,`+ (+(-'S SX+KO-:
- (-'LVRO K&O P,&,L`'VRR L'M,*L.X, ]+J-+S.X R T+-
J'],&YL.X a) +]L'JUQ,LRO R UPJ'S&,LRO +`L,*, ' -'TQ,
+PJ,K,&,LRO L'R]+&,, +P'(L+W V,&R R ,, T++JKRL'-;
- (-'LVRO 'T-RSL.X J'KR+-,XLRN,(TRX P+*,X, (+MK'Z^'O
US+KO^R,, *,JV'Z^R, R _U*+S., P+*,XR;
- (-'LVRO *+KU&RJ+S'LL.X P+*,X S KR'P'M+L,;
- 'S-+*'- S.]J+(' &+QL.X -,P&+S.X V,&,W ( T+*P&,T-+*
192 P'-J+L'.
J+*, -+`+, )U-39 +(L'^',-(O (P,VR'&YL.*R (L'JOK'*R,
T+-+J., P+MS+&OZ- S(TJ.S'-Y, K,M+JR,L-RJ+S'-Y I R
«US+KR-Y» ) S(,X -RP+S.
+*P&,T( (J,K(-S ]+,S+W QRSUN,(-R +]^,W *'((+W
1115 T` +],(P,NRS',- PJ'T-RN,(TR (-+PJ+V,L-LUZ M'^R-U
&,-NRT' R S(,X QRML,LL+ S'QL.X '`J,`'-+S ('*+&,-' +-
TJR-RN,(T+`+ P+J'Q,LRO (-J,&T+S+-PU_,NL.* +JUQR,*
T'&R]J' K+ 30 **, ' -'TQ, S+MSJ'- ('*+&,-' L' ]'MU PJR
P+P'K'LRR S L,`+ J'T,-. -RP' «)-RL`,J».
)U-39 PJ+(- S bT(P&U'-'VRR, *+Q,- PJR*,LO-Y(O ( *'&+-
P+K`+-+S&,LL.X `JUL-+S.X II (K&RL+W K+ 1200 *), ' -'T-
Q, S `+JL+W *,(-L+(-R - K+ 3000 * L'K UJ+SL,* *+JO.
hSR`'-,&R (P+(+]L. J']+-'-Y L, -+&YT+ L' T,J+(RL,, L+
R L' KRM,&YL+* -+P&RS,. )'*+&,- L, -J,]U,- ]+&Y_RX M'-
-J'- PJR ,`+ +(S+,LRR &,-L.* R RLQ,L,JL+--,XLRN,(TR*
#4567589 :;<;=>9<?4>?=?
eTRP'Q 1
'((', T`:
SM&,-L'O *'T(R*'&YL'O 20500
-+P&RS' S+ SLU-J,LLRX ]'T'X 3840
*'T(R*'&YL+W ]+,S+W L'`JUMTR 5000
'T(R*'&YL'O (T+J+(-Y P+&,-', T*/N 950
I,J,`+L+NL'O K'&YL+(-Y P+&,-', T* 2500
'T(R*'&YL'O bT(P&U'-'VR+LL'O P,J,`JUMT', ,K. 6,5
+&RN,(-S+ -+N,T P+KS,(TR 11
h&RL' J'M],`'/PJ+],`', *:
L' `JUL-+S+W II 650/750
L' ],-+LL+W II 600/600
k']'JR-L., J'M*,J.
(K&RL' X S.(+-' X J'M*'X TJ.&'), * 15,33 X 5,2 X 14,52
'JT' KSR`'-,&O, T+&-S+ X -O`', T`( -195, 2 X 4500
Basic Characteristics
Crew 1
Weight, kg:
maximum takeoff 20,500
fuel in internal tanks 3,840
maximum combat load 5,000
Maximum flight speed, km/h 950
Ferry range, km 2,500
Maximum operational g-load, g 6.5
Number of hardpoints 11
Takeoff/landing distance, m:
unpaved runway 650/750
concrete runway 600/600
Overall dimensions (length x height x wing span), m 15.33 x 5.2 x 14.52
Engine type, number x thrust, kgf R-195, 2 x 4,500