PART 2 2
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Class 1510 Aircraft, Fixed Wing
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789:: 1510 $9;<8=>?
The Il-114P is intended to guard territorial waters, lit-
toral areas and the 200-mile economic zone by day and
night, in VFR and IFR
weather conditions.
The Il-114P is part of
an automated territori-
al air/maritime surveil-
lance system intended
to monitor airspace
and sea areas, border
zones and natural dis-
aster areas, put a stop
to illegal fishery and
smuggling, and per-
form search-and-res-
cue operations, as well
as ecology and mete-
orology monitoring.
The TsPNK-114 onboard
digital flight control
and navigation complex enables the crew to bring the
aircraft to a targeted point and perform automated en-
route flight.
The onboard electronic patrol complex comprises:
- circular scanning radar;
- thermal imaging surveillance system;
- control computer system with two automated work-
- test and recorder equipment;
- satellite-assisted positioning system;
- automatic data transmission and communications
- ecology monitoring and aerial photography equipment.
Its cargo/passenger compartment makes it possible to
airlift cargoes of up to 3 t and stretcher patients. The
rear compartment houses onboard electronic patrol
complex, two navigator-operators’ workstations, and a
service compartment.
The aircraft is provided with suspended pods to carry a
remote-control gun mount, a powerful loudspeaker
system, floodlights, rescue and other equipment.
The Il-114P is able to carry out a long-term search of
surface objects, establish a fact of violating the border
or economic zone, determine coordinates and motion
parameters of intruders with an accuracy of up to 30 -
50 m, identify them and perform target designation for
the weapon. The aircraft features low maintenance
costs. It can take off from poorly equipped airfields with
short runways.
Basic Characteristics
Crew (pilots, operators) 2 + 2
Takeoff weight, kg 23,500
Cruising speed, km/h 500
Patrolling altitude, m 100 - 6,000
Patrolling time at a distance of 300 km, h up to 10
Takeoff/landing distance, m 1,360/1,260
Overall dimensions (length x height x wing span), m 26.9 x 9.2 x 30
Engine type, number x power, ehp TV7-117S, 2 x 2,750
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