PART 2 2
Class 1520 Aircraft, Rotary Wing
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+,-.. 1520 /012,/13
- laser rangefinder;
- color liquid-crystal displays;
- inertial, satellite and geophysical navigation systems;
- communications equipment;
- radar furnished with a main rotor hub-mounted antenna
(for target detection, flight control and navigation).
The Mi-28NE is equipped with the 2A42 30mm turret-
mounted gun able to rotate through ±110° in azimuth, ele-
vate 13° and depress 40°. Its ammunition load of
200 rounds is stowed in containers installed on the turret
proper to ensure reliable ammunition feed. The heli-
copter's wing is provided with four hardpoints to carry the
Ataka air-to-ground and Igla air-to-air guided missiles and
unguided rocket pods.
The helicopter's combat survivability is ensured by a
radar/laser threat warning system; an IR-decoy dis-
penser; IR suppression exhaust mixer boxes over
engine exhaust ducts; redundancy and shielding of vital
systems; fuel system design preventing fuel explosion,
burning or leakage; wide use of materials resistant to
combat damage.
Armored cockpits protect the crew against projectiles of
up to 20mm in caliber. The pilot's and weapon operator's
cockpits are isolated by an armored bulkhead installed
between them to decrease the probability of hitting the
crewmembers by one projectile. The energy-absorbing
seats and landing gear protect the crew in crash landing.
The helicopter's main armament versions are as follows:
- 16 Ataka guided missiles, 40 S-8 unguided rockets;
- 16 Ataka guided missiles, 10 S-13 unguided rockets;
- eight Igla guided missiles, 40 S-8 unguided rockets;
- eight Igla guided missiles, 10 S-13 unguided rockets;
- 80 S-8 unguided rockets;
- 20 S-13 unguided rockets;
- 16 Ataka guided missiles, two GSh-23L gun pods with
an ammunition load of 250 rounds per gun.
- ,-M/0L3[ K-,cL2S/0;
- ZU/1L3/ QLKQV-1203 L- RQKVQT V0Q.1-,,-T;
- QL/0ZQ-,cLPW, .]P1LQV2UPW Q \/2dQMQN/.VPW .Q.1/S3
- .UOML2/ 2X20PK2U-LQ/;
- 0-KQ2,2V-ZQ2LLPW .1-LZQW . L-KU1P,2NL2[ -L1/LL2[
(K,O 2XL-0PR/LQO Z/,/[, ]Q,21-RL3T Q L-UQ\-ZQ2LL3T
/012,/1 2.L-l/L ]PYV2[ 2m42 V-,QX0- 30 SS L- 1P0/,Q
. P\,-SQ 21V,2L/LQO +110° ]2 -MQSP1P Q +13 - -40° ]2 P\-
,P S/.1-. 2/M-]-. (200 ]-102L2U) 0-MS/l/L U V2L1/[L/-
0-T L- .-S2[ 1P0/,Q, N12 .2MK-/1 P.,2UQO K,O QT L-K/R-
L2[ ]2K-NQ. +03,2 U/012,/1- QS//1 N/130/ 12NVQ ]2KU/-
.VQ K,O P]0-U,O/S3T 0-V/1 «m1-V-» V,-..- «U2MKPT - M/S-
,O», P]0-U,O/S3T 0-V/1 «b\,-» V,-..- «U2MKPT - U2MKPT»,
X,2V2U L/P]0-U,O/S3T 0-V/1.
3RQU-/S2.1c U/012,/1- 2X/.]/NQU-/1.O .Q.1/S2[ ]0/-
KP]0/RK/LQO 2 0-KQ2,2V-ZQ2LL2S Q ,-M/0L2S 2X,PN/LQQ;
.Q.1/S2[ 21.10/,- ,2RL3T 1/],2U3T Z/,/[; aV0-LL2-U3-
T,2]L3SQ P.102[.1U-SQ KUQ\-1/,/[; KPX,Q02U-LQ/S Q aV-
0-LQ02U-LQ/S RQML/LL2 U-RL3T .Q.1/S; V2L.10PVZQ/[
12],QUL2[ .Q.1/S3, ]0/K2T0-LOWl/[ 21 UM03U-, U2M\2-
0-LQO Q,Q P1/NVQ 12],QU-; YQ02VQS ]0QS/L/LQ/S S-1/-
0Q-,2U, P.12[NQU3T V X2/U3S ]2U0/RK/LQOS.
02LQ02U-LL3/ V-XQL3 M-lQl-W1 aVQ]-R 21 .L-0OK2U
V-,QX0- K2 20 SS. +-XQL3 ]Q,21- Q 2]/0-120- QM2,Q02-
U-L3, N12 PS/LcY-/1 U/02O1L2.1c ]20-R/LQO N,/L2U aVQ-
]-R- 2KLQS .L-0OK2S. J0Q -U-0Q[L2[ ]2.-KV/ .]-./LQ/
aVQ]-R- K2.1Q\-/1.O aL/0\2]2\,2l-WlQSQ V0/.,-SQ Q
.12[V-SQ Y-..Q.
.L2UL3/ U-0Q-L13 U220PR/LQO:
- 16 q «m1-V-», 40 _m r-8;
- 16 q «m1-V-», 10 _m r-13;
- 8 q «b\,-», 40 _m r-8;
- 8 q «b\,-», 10 _m r-13;
- 80 _m r-8;
- 20 _m r-13;
- 16 q «m1-V-», 2 ]PY/NL3T V2L1/[L/0- . st-23 Q X2/-
M-]-.2S ]2 250 ]-102L2U.
#0123145 67879:58.0:.9.
`VQ]-R 2
M,/1L-O S-..-, V\:
L20S-,cL-O 10700
S-V.QS-,cL-O 11500
v-]-. 12],QU-, V\:
U 2.L2UL3T 12],QUL3T X-V-T 1320
U K2]2,LQ1/,cL3T 1780
rV202.1c ]2,/1-, VS/N:
S-V.QS-,cL-O 300 - 320
V0/[./0.V-O 270
J212,2V, S:
.1-1QN/.VQ[ 3600
KQL-SQN/.VQ[ 5700
w-,cL2.1c ]2,/1-, VS:
]0-V1QN/.V-O (X/M K2]2,LQ1/,cL3T 12],QUL3T X-V2U) 435
]/0/\2L2NL-O 1000
s-X-0Q1L3/ 0-MS/03 U/012,/1- (X/M UQL12U)
(K,QL- T U3.21- T YQ0QL-), S 17,01 T 3,82 T 5,89
wQ-S/10 L/.Pl/\2 UQL1-, S 17,2
^-0V- KUQ\-1/,O, V2,-U2 T S2lL2.1c, ,. .. 3-117^m, 2 T 2200
Basic Characteristics
Crew 2
Takeoff weight, kg:
normal 10,700
maximum 11,500
Fuel capacity, kg:
main fuel tanks 1,320
auxiliary fuel tanks 1,780
Flight speed, km/h:
maximum 300 to 320
cruising 270
Ceiling, m:
hovering 3,600
service 5,700
Flight range, km:
operational (without auxiliary fuel tanks) 435
ferry 1,000
Helicopter overall dimensions (less rotors)
(length T width T height), m 17.01 T 5.89 T 3.82
Main rotor diameter, m 17.2
Engine type, number x power, hp TV3-117VMA, 2 x 2,200