PART 2 2
Class 1510 Aircraft, Fixed Wing
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'()** 1510 )+,(-./
The Su-35 (Su-37) multipurpose fighter is intended to
defeat existing and prospective aerial targets, remote-
ly piloted vehicles, cruise missiles and other maneuver-
able targets against earth background, in the daytime
and at night, in VFR and IFR weather conditions, and
also to destroy ground/waterborne targets by deliver-
ing standoff attacks with diverse guided weapons,
including high-precision ones.
The Su-35 is a heavily modernized version of the Su-27
aircraft to significantly enhance its combat effective-
ness against aerial, ground and sea targets.
For better agility and takeoff/landing performance, the
aircraft is provided with a canard. In terms of its aero-
dynamic configuration, the Su-35 is an unstable triplane
(wing + horizontal tail + canard). The required stability
and controllability characteristics are assured through a
quadruple-redundant digital-analog remote control sys-
tem. The Su-35 is equipped with a newly developed
wing featuring an increased relative thickness. The main
landing gear struts are modified and the nose leg is
replaced with a reinforced two-wheel strut. The aircraft
is equipped with an in-flight refueling system. The KD-
36DM ejection seat back is inclined at 30°, which helps
the pilot withstand high g-loads during air combat.
The Su-35 is equipped with an integrated aiming and
navigation system comprising:
- new-generation multifunction multimode phased-
array radar able to detect and track up to 20 aerial tar-
gets and simultaneously engage eight of them;
- optical locator which combines functions of an infrared
imager, laser range finder and target illuminator;
- rearward-looking radar;
- helmet-mounted target designator;
- electronic reconnaissance and defense systems;
- integrated data system;
- communications facilities and flight control and navi-
gation equipment.
- ##.$#/ "0" 1-35 (1-37)
.UXP/Z X,QOT]P/Z ^-(-_, `-*[U(,.P/Z (-.).-(aP/Z )[[)-
N).,X U \N/()./Z N)\-., +)P-XN-PP/Z ^-(-_ P) b,P- Q--
+(U OP-+ U P,RaY, X [N,*./Z U *(,VP/Z +-.-,T*(,XUSZ, )
.)\V- [,N)V-PUS P)Q-+P/Z/P)OX,OP/Z ^-(-_ N)Q(URP/+
T[N)X(S-+/+ ,NTVU-+, X\(YR)S X/*,\,.,RP,-, `-Q Q)Z,-
O) X Q,PT Mcd [N,.UXPU\).
T-35 - e., f(T`,\)S +,O-NPUQ)^US T-27 * ^-(aY QP)RU-
.-(aP,f, [,X/]-PUS ebb-\.UXP,*.U -f, `,-X,f, [NU+--
P-PUS [, X,QOT]P/+, P)Q-+P/+ U +,N*\U+ ^-(S+.
g(S T(TR]-PUS +)P-XN-PP,*.U U XQ(-.P,-[,*)O,RP/Z Z)-
N)\.-NU*.U\ *)+,(-. ,*P)W-P [-N-OPU+ f,NUQ,P.)(aP/+
,[-N-PU-+ (Mhd). M, )eN,OUP)+UR-*\,_ *Z-+- T-35 -
P-T*.,_RUX/_ .NU[()P (\N/(, + f,NUQ,P.)(aP,- ,[-N--
PU- + Mhd). N-`T-+/- Z)N)\.-NU*.U\U T*.,_RUX,*.U U
T[N)X(S-+,*.U ,`-*[-RUX)Y.*S R-./N-Z\N).P, N-Q-NXU-
N,X)PP,_ ^UbN,-)P)(,f,X,_ *U*.-+,_ OU*.)P^U,PP,f,
T[N)X(-PUS (gi). j) T-35 T*.)P,X(-P, P,X,- \N/(, *
TX-(UR-PP,_ ,.P,*U.-(aP,_ .,(WUP,_. g,N)`,.)P/ ,*-
P,XP/- *.,_\U ])**U U Q)+-P-P) P) T*U(-PPTY * OXT+S
\,(-*)+U [-N-OPSS *.,_\). )+,(-. ,`,NTO,X)P *U*.--
+,_ O,Q)[N)X\U .,[(UX,+ X [,(-.-.
').)[T(a.P,- \N-*(, 'g-36gk U+--. Tf,( P)\(,P) *[UP-
\U 30
, R., [,X/])-. [-N-P,*U+,*.a [-N-fNTQ,\ (-.RU\,+
X X,QOT]P,+ `,Y.
MNU^-(aP,-P)XUf)^U,PP/_ \,+[(-\* X\(YR)-.:
- +P,f,bTP\^U,P)(aPTY +P,f,N-VU+PTY P,X,f, [,-
\,(-PUS * lm, *[,*,`PTY ,`P)NTVUX).a U *,[N,X,VO).a
O, 20 X,QOT]P/Z ^-(-_ U ,OP,XN-+-PP, ,`*.N-(U-
X).a 8 UQ PUZ;
- ,[.U\,-(,\)^U,PPTY *.)P^UY, *,R-.)YWTY bTP\^UU .--
[(,XUQ,N), ()Q-NP,f, O)(aP,+-N) U T*.N,_*.X) [,O*X-.)
- Q)OP-f, ,`Q,N);
- *U*.-+T P)](-+P,f, ^-(-T\)Q)PUS;
- *U*.-+/ N)OU,.-ZPUR-*\,_ N)QX-O\U U ,`,N,P/;
- \,+[(-\*PTY UPb,N+)^U,PPTY *U*.-+T;