PART 2 2
Class 1510 Aircraft, Fixed Wing
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Basic Characteristics
Crew 1
Normal takeoff weight, kg 14,700
Operational flight range without external fuel tanks, km 1,950
Service ceiling, m 18,500
Maximum rate of climb, m/s 230 - 240
Armament complement:
2 x R-27, 4 x RVV-AE, 4 x R-73E, 6 x K-60 air-to-air missiles;
2 x Kh-31A*, 2 x Kh-35*, 2 x Kh-31P**, 2 x Kh-29T**, 2 x Kh-29L air-to-
surface missiles;
4 x KAB-500KR*, 4 x KAB-500L guided bombs;
S-8, S-13, S-24 unguided rockets;
up to four FAB-500, FAB-250 aerial bombs
Type of built-in gun mount
Ammunition load, rds 260
Overall dimensions (length x height x wing span), m 16.7 x 5.77 x 7.8/14.0
Engine type, thrust, kgf R-35-300, 13,000
* with new radar
** with L-150 equipment
The Mig-23-98 is designed to defeat air targets in the
daytime and at night, in VFR and IFR weather condi-
tions, and also destroy ground and surface targets with
unguided and guided weapons.
The aircraft is developed from the production versions
of the MiG-23MLD frontal fighter and the MiG-23P
interceptor using equipment and armament unified for
other MiG fighters.
At customer request, the fighter can be equipped with a
new multifunction multichannel pulse-Doppler radar,
enabling the pilot to use R-73, RVV-AE and R-27 air-to-
air missiles; perform the target designation for Kh-31A
and Kh-35 air-to-ship missiles; and detect pinpoint tar-
gets. Alternatively, the Sapfir-23 modernized radar may
be used to enable the crew to employ the R-73 and
RVV-AE air-to-air missiles, as well as the R-24R, R-23
and R-60 standard missiles.
The aircraft is equipped with an airborne digital com-
puter and a GPS receiver in both radar versions. In the
new radar version, the fighter is furnished with an iner-
tial flight navigation system and a multifunction display.
The MiG-23-98 can additionally be equipped with:
- helmet-mounted target designator;
- new ECM equipment (a radar threat warning station,
an active jammer, and a thermal decoy dispenser);
- target designator for air-to-radar missiles;
- IFF and ATC systems and communications facilities
corresponding to Western standards;
- Karat-B data analysis and recording system;
- video recording equipment;
- flight mission input system;
- sighting and reconnaissance equipment pods;
- armament versions incorporating Kh-29T (TE) and
KAB-500KR TV-guided weapons, as well as Kh-29L and
KAB-500L laser-guided weapons (with a suspended
sighting equipment pod).
Other modification versions can also be considered,
including the use of Western avionics and extending
the fighter’s service life.
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