Problem Index 801
15.2 Radiation on a perfectly absorbing surface.
15.3 Snell’s law by Fermat’s principle.
15.4 Fermat’s principle applied to mirage.
15.5 Maximum angle of acceptance for optical fibre.
15.6 Angle of emergence in a prism immersed in a liquid.
15.7 Angle between two emerging beams from a prism.
15.8 Deviation of emergent light from a prism which suffers one internal reflec-
15.9 Focal length of system of two lenses in contact.
15.10 Two positions of a convex lens for real imager for a fixed source–screen
15.11 Application of lens maker’s formula.
15.12 Image formation by two coaxial lenses.
15.13 Focal length of a glass sphere.
15.14 Intensity and amplitude of em waves at a given distance from a bulb.
15.15 Image location and its height of an object as observed by a telescope.
15.16 Intensity and amplitude of electric field of a laser beam.
15.17 Refraction matrix and translation matrix for a single lens.
15.18 Matrix equation for a pair of surfaces.
15.19 Using the result of prob. (15.18) to obtain the equation for a thin lens.
15.20 Locus of points at constant phase difference from two coherent sources.
15.21 Bandwidth in double-slit experiment.
15.22 Fringe shift in Young’s fringes when a thin film is introduced.
15.23 Intensity distribution in young’s double-slit experiment.
15.24 Wavelength of light in Fresnel’s biprism experiment.
15.25 Wavelength of light with the biprism.
15.26 Interference fringes in a glass wedge.
15.27 Interference with the wedge film.
15.28 Radius of curvature of a lens from Newton’s rings.
15.29 Refractive index of liquid from Newton’s rings.
15.30 Newton’s rings by two curved surfaces.
15.31 Order for which red band coincides with the blue band in Young’s experi-
15.32 Ratio of minimum and maximum intensities in reflection from two parallel
glass plates.
15.33 Intensification of colour from reflection of white light on a thin film.
15.34 Minimum thickness of plate which appears dark on reflection.
15.35 Colour shown in reflection by thin film.
15.36 Minimum thickness of non-reflecting film.
15.37 Constructive interference in the reflected light.
15.38 D
and D
lines of sodium, Michelson interferometer.
15.39 Wavelength of light by Michelson interferometer.
15.40 Resolving power of Fabry–Perot interferometer.
15.41 Single slit, wavelength of light.
15.42 Intensity distribution of single-slit diffraction pattern.
15.43 Half-width for central maximum.