Problem Index 785
8.57 Energy density and effective pressure of a plane wave in air of 70 dB I.L.
8.58 Pressure amplitude for I = 1W/m
at pain threshold.
8.59 Theoretical speed of sound in H
at 0
8.60 Given speed of sound in H
at 0
C, to calculate speed in O
8.61 Two sound waves have I
= 0.4 and 10 W/m
. How many decibels is one
louder than the other?
8.62 Ratio of intensities if one sound is 6.0 dB higher than the other.
8.63 Distance to which sound is audible if the source radiates at the rate of 0.009 W.
8.64 Calculation of displacement amplitude from the pressure amplitude.
8.65 Two sound waves of equal pressure amplitude and frequencies traverse in liq-
uids with ρ
= 3/4 with v
= 3/2. To compare displacement ampli-
tudes, intensities and energy densities.
8.66 One sound wave travels in air and the other in water, their intensities and
frequencies being equal. To find ratio of wavelengths, pressure amplitude and
particle amplitudes.
8.67 Characteristic impedance.
8.68 Intensity of a beam of plane waves, pressure amplitude displacement ampli-
tude, acoustic particle velocity amplitude and condensation amplitude.
8.69 Laplace formula for sound velocity in a gas.
8.70 An empirical formula for sound velocity as a function of temperature.
8.71 The sound of whistle is reflected from the wall of the rock as the engine
approaches a tunnel. To find the ratio of frequencies of reflected and direct
sounds heard by the engine driver given the speed of the train.
8.72 Doppler effect when two train moves towards each other.
8.73 Doppler effect when two trains move away from each other.
8.74 Maximum and minimum frequencies heard by a listener from a rotating
8.75 The Kundt’s tube experiment.
8.76 Wavelength of sound from a motion train when (i) train at rest; (ii) moving
towards you; and (iii) moving away from you.
8.77 Shock wave, Mach number and angle of Mach cone.
8.78 Reverberation time for a room, Sabine’s formula.
8.79 Echo of drum beating from a mountain.
8.80 Echo of rifle shot fired in the valley formed between two parallel mountains.
8.81 Beat frequency heard by a man who walks in line between two whistles sound-
ing neighbouring frequencies.
8.82 Frequency of the unknown frequency by beat frequency in transferring load
from one fork to another.
8.83 Beats produced by a fork sounding with an open organ pipe of an appropriate
8.84 Falling plate experiment in sound.
8.85 Effective length of a resonance tube closed at one end.
8.86 When an open pipe is suddenly closed so that f
of the closed pipe is higher
by 100 Hz than f
of original pipe. To find f
of original pipe.