792 Problem Index
11.76 Two capacitors are charged to a battery and connected in parallel. Find P.D
of the combination if (a) positive ends are connected and (b) positive end is
connected to negative terminal of the other.
11.77 Two capacitors are charged to P.D V
and V
and connected in parallel. U
when (a) positive ends are joined and (b) positive end of one is joined to
negative end of the other.
11.78 Effect of dielectric on V , E, q, C and U, when the battery (a) remains con-
nected and (b) is disconnected.
11.79 In prob. (11.78) dependence of the given quantities on the distance of sepa-
ration of plates.
11.80 Force of attraction between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor.
11.81 n identical droplets each of radius r and charge q coalesce to form a large
drop. To find relations of radius, C, V , σ and U for the large drop and
11.82 Half of the stored U
of a cylindrical capacitor of radii a and b lies within a
ab of the cylinder.
11.83 Capacitor of capacitance C
withstands maximum voltage V
and C
stands maximum voltage V
. Maximum voltage that the system of C
and C
can withstand when connected in series.
11.84 Application of Gauss’ law to calculate t he capacitance of Geiger–Muller
11.85 Capacitance of a capacitor formed by two spherical metallic shells.
11.86 For two concentric shells the capacitance reduces to that of a parallel plate
capacitor in the limit of large radii.
11.87 In the R – C circuit shown to find (i) time for charge to reach 90% of its final
value; (ii) U stored in the capacitor at t = τ ; and (iii) Joule heating in R at
t = τ .
11.88 In prob. (11.87) number of time constants after which energy in capacitor
will reach half of equilibrium value.
11.89 Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor whose plates are slightly inclined.
11.90 and 11.91 In the given arrangements of capacitor to find P.D, q and U in the
11.92 To find the effective capacitance between two points in the given arrangement
of capacitors.
11.93 To obtain an expression for q(t) for an R − C circuit.
11.94 For the given R −C circuit, to find battery current at t = 0 and t =∞when
switch is closed. To find the current through R when switch is open after a
long time.
11.95 A charged capacitor is discharged through a resistance. To find U, i, V
given time, τ and equation for t when q drops to half of its value.
11.96 Charge q is uniformly distributed in a sphere of radius R. (i) To find div E
inside the sphere; (ii) electric force on a proton at r < R; and (iii) work done
on proton to move it from infinity to a point at r < R.
11.97 The electric displacement D is uniform in a parallel plate capacitor. To obtain
E(x) for a non-uniform relative permittivity, using Gauss’ law.
11.98 To obtain the differential Gauss’ law for gravitation.