The I-80 catalyst is one of the highest-activity chlorided alumina catalysts available to-
day. This catalyst provides a means to improve the profitability of Penex and Butamer
units by improving octane or allowing for increased capacity or both. The 0.5–1 RONC
additional octane that can be provided by the I-80 catalyst makes this catalyst an obvi-
ous choice for reloading existing units or for new installations that require high octane.
The commercialization of the LPI-100 catalyst and the Par-Isom process provides op-
portunities for upgrading existing zeolitic isomerization units or the low-cost addition
of isomerization capacity in refineries by revamping other process units or integrat-
ing with semiregenerative reforming units. The Par-Isom process provides a low-cost,
economically attractive route for refiners who must meet demands for higher octane or
reformulated gasoline. In most cases, the revamp can be accomplished with minimal
changes to existing equipment. The high activity of the LPI-100 catalyst can result in
up to 3 RON higher isomerate octane than can be achieved with zeolitic catalysts as
well as substantially higher throughput in revamp situations.
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