gravities of all three products are virtually identical. Although these data are from
actual commercial operations, some differences arise from unit to unit. Also, it may
be appreciated that the mid-point (50%) and the end point (100%) for a propylene feed
are higher than for mixed feeds or butene feeds. In actual practice, these end points can
be adjusted in order to meet product specifications. Often too the amount of polymer
gasoline blended into the pool is small, so that it does not significantly alter the overall
properties of the pool; only seldom is the product rerun in order to meet more stringent
specifications. Interestingly, the product from a mixed C
feed, although having
a higher molecular weight, has a lighter boiling range than that of the propylene
product. The butene product in Table 9.2.2 is typical of a codimer operation. This
type of operation was rare in the past, but because the octane number from this mode
of operating is exceptionally high, it is currently generating considerable interest as a
replacement for the production of methyl-tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in existing MTBE
units, and will be discussed later in more detail.
Hydrogenated versus nonhydrogenated polymer gasolines
from the catalytic condensation process
Polymer gasoline as obtained is almost totally olefinic. Polymer olefins, however, can
be easily hydrogenated to yield a very interesting range of products. Most polymer
gasolines blended in the gasoline pools have traditionally been olefinic, without any
attempt of hydrogenation. When the Catalytic Condensation process was first de-
veloped, polymer gasoline was far better than the natural straight-run materials then
available. Gasoline characteristics have changed dramatically since the 1930s, and
while polymer gasoline used to be the best material in the leaded gasoline pool be-
cause of its excellent lead susceptibility, it is now one of the poorest in today’s unleaded
gasolines. This perception, however, can be altered significantly if, instead of con-
sidering untreated polymer gasoline, one looks at the properties of the hydrogenated
Olefinic products have a high Research (R) octane number (RON), but a low Mo-
tor (M) octane number (MON). As a result, the average octane index, (R + M)/2,
of unsaturated polymer gasolines is low. The difference (RON–MON) is called the
octane sensitivity; saturated or paraffinic products usually do not have a high octane
sensitivity and in general, but not always, have much higher octane indices.
Hydrogenation is frequently performed at conditions that lead to the skeletal isomer-
ization of the product. Polymer gasolines from SPA catalysts are highly branched,
much more than predicted from thermodynamic equilibrium. Therefore, skeletal iso-
merization of these products would tend to move in the direction to equilibrium and,
thus, to less branched products and to lower octane numbers. Thus, in general, hydro-
genation catalysts that avoid isomerization should be selected.