Water mills, 242– 43, 394
Wattle and daub construction,
370–71, 372
Wax, 53, 56, 450, 638
Wax tablets, 560
Weapons, 717–25; axes and clubs,
723; bows, 723–25; iron, 393,
394; knights, 430, 431; ships
and boats, 652; spears, 718–20;
swords, 720–23; tournaments,
692, 695, 696–97. See also Armor;
Gunpowder; Hunting
Weaving, 151–53
Weddings, 725–33; ceremonies,
731–33; consent, diffi culties of,
728–31; heraldry, 335; Jews,
412–13; marriage and divorce,
726–28; minstrels and trou-
badours, 497. See also Feasts;
Weights and measures, 734 –39; coins,
172–73; fairs, 228, 231; volume
and length, 737–38; weights,
734 –37. See also Barrels and
buckets; Coins
Wells, 713–14, 715
Wet coopers, 51–52
Whales, 240
Whar ves, 643– 44
Wheels: machines, 459; potter’s,
578; spinning, 151, 459;
vertical, 491; wagons and carts,
707, 709. See also Wagons
and carts
Whiskey, 66
White pigment, 550
Whitsun, 349
Widows, 741
Wild animals, 21–22
William of Aquitaine, Duke, 500
William the Conqueror, King, 596
Wills, 267–68, 599, 600
Wimples, 325, 326
Winchester Cathedral, 521
Winchester College, 624
Wind instruments, 525–26
Windows, 296, 298–300, 371. See also
Wine. See Beverages
Wisdom, 211
Witchcraft, 468–69
Woad, 550–51
Wolves, 14 –15, 21, 379
Women, 739– 45; cloth, 146;
clothing, 157, 161–62, 162–63,
164 –65, 166, 167; feasts, 238;
hair, 319–21; hats, 324 –27;
heraldry, 333; hospitals, 365,
366, 367; jewelry, 399, 405,
406; Jews, 412–13; knights, 434;
magic, 467–68; minstrels and
troubadours, 499, 502; monas-
teries, 506, 511; Muslims, 532;
Paris, 136; prisons, 590; schools,
629; servants and slaves, 639,
640; tournaments, 692, 693, 694;
weddings, 726. See also Babies;
Men; Weddings
Wool, 147– 48
Wrestling, 281
Writing tablets, 560
Yellow pigment, 551
Yeomen, 352–53
Yersinia pestis, 574 –75
Zero, 538, 540
Zoos, 749–51. See also Animals