327–32; jewelry, 399, 405; Jews,
414. See also Women
Menageries. See Zoos
Menagier de Paris, Le, 604
Mercury, 304, 461–62
Merino sheep, 18
Merrills, 280
Milking buckets, 50
Millefl eurs tapestry, 682
Mills, 489–94; food, 247; machines,
459, 460; parchment and paper,
556, 557; water, 490–92; wind-
mills, 492–94. See also Machines
Mining, 665–66
Minstrels and troubadours, 494 –503;
Arthur, King, 34 –35; dance, 200;
drama, 212; fairs, 229; hats, 331;
minstrels and jongleurs, 494,
495–98; music, 520, 521, 522;
troubadours, 495, 499–503. See
also Feasts; Music
Mints, 173, 174 –75
Minuscule script, 9
Miracle plays, 207, 629
Miracles, 617
Mirrors, 390
Missionaries, 114 –16
Miters, 406
Mittens, 168
Mohammed, 258, 528–29
Moldboard plows, 3– 4
Molds, gold and silver, 304
Monasteries, 503–11; animals, 18;
bells, 59, 61; beverages, 64,
66, 67, 68–69; books, 72, 73;
bricks and tiles, 77, 79; bridges,
82; church, 119; clocks, 140,
141– 42; cloth, 147; fasts,
232–33; fi sh
and fi shing, 242; funerals, 266;
gardens, 284, 285, 286, 290;
hospitals, 364; hygiene, 386; iron,
394; knights, 434 –36; latrines
and garbage, 440; lead and cop-
per, 445; libraries, 446– 47; life
in the cloister, 507–11; medicine,
477; monastic orders, 504 –7; pil-
grims, 563, 565; records, 601–2;
relics, 607, 609; saints, 617,
618; seals, 636; water, 712–13;
women, 742– 44. See also Church
Monkeys, 20
Monks: church, 114; funerals, 266,
268; gold and silver, 302; hair,
322; hats, 328; holidays, 347,
348; Hood, Robin, 353; hospi-
tals, 365; hygiene, 386; saints,
617. See also Church; Monasteries
Monsters, 15–16, 338–39, 512–16.
See also Animals
Morality plays, 210–11
Morris (game), 280
Morris dancing, 203
Morte d’Arthur, Le (Mallory), 35–36
Mottoes, 333, 406
Mounts, 170
Mumming, 203, 205, 343, 346
Music, 516–28; instruments, 520–27;
keyboard instruments, 521–22;
minstrels and troubadours,
496–97, 499–500, 502–3; nota-
tion, 519; percussion instruments,
526–27; plainchant, 517; polyph-
ony, 518, 527; secular, 518–19;
string instruments, 522–23; wind
instruments, 525–26. See also
Dance; Minstrels and troubadours
Muslims, 528–34; beverages, 66;
calendar, 90–91; Europe, 529–32;
food, 258; horses, 355; infl uence
on Europe, 532–34; medicine,
488; numbers, 537–38; origins of,
528–29; pilgrims, 561; pottery,
579–80; relics, 606; weapons,
722–23. See also Jews
Mystery plays, 207, 629
Names, 43– 44
Navigation. See Compass and naviga-
Necklaces, 405
Necromancy, 469–70