Chapter 7
In this chapter, we will first recall the main classical models in risk theory which
are useful for insurance companies and then extend them fully to the semi-
Markov case. To avoid confusion we adopt the classical actuarial notation of risk
In this section, we will develop Example 4.1 of Chapter 3, first into a general
case, and then into the particular case of a Poisson process for claim arrivals.
Let us consider an insurance company, beginning at time 0 with an initial capital
of amount u (u > 0), also called reserve for insurance companies or equity for
In almost all developed countries, this initial reserve has a minimal amount fixed
by the government and depending on the turnover of the insurance company.
Indeed, it is clearly understood that this capital protects customers against the
possibility that an unlucky company would have to pay a lot of large claims in a
short period of time, for example for a catastrophic event, and not be liquid
enough to do so.
A basic problem, in general solved by actuaries, is to give an objective value for
this minimal reserve. We will learn later how to solve this fundamental problem.
Any risk model related to an insurance company is characterized by three "basic"
(i) the first one is the claim number process. This is a stochastic process giving
the counting process of claims occurring to the customers;
(ii) the second stochastic process concerns the claim amounts. In particular, it
gives the distribution of what the company has to pay when a claim occurs;
(iii) the last process is related to the income of the company; and it is generally a
deterministic process since the premiums paid by the customers must be known
at the origin of the individual contracts.
To any set of assumptions about these three processes, there corresponds a
particular stochastic risk model. The most important will be presented later.
This section will only be concerned with two models: the so-called G/G model or
the E.S. Andersen model, and the P/G model or the Poisson or Cramer-Lundberg
model. The notation, borrowed from queuing theory, gives information