Finance and Insurance models 269
In this part, we present three different models for insurance applications.
The first two examples concern the topic of multiple life problems and are strictly
connected with pension scheme problems.
These two examples are given to show how to write the related formulas and to
attempt a first easy approach to pension scheme problems; for these reasons we
do not tackle in this case the problem of input data.
The third example is a real-life case concerning the evolution of a disability
illness. It is similar to the example developed in the previous section but the data
are different and the example will be developed without using, as previously, a
negative exponential increasing d.f. but with the distribution functions directly
obtained from the observed data, and furthermore, we use the reward model.
The results will be the RMPV and the rewards in this case will be only of
permanence type.
The first example will describe a two-life annuity example.
The typical case is the one of a retired person who can leave his/her pension to
the spouse.
Though we want to introduce the age dependence of the pensioners in addition to
the duration of pension, we will begin the simpler case of fixed death
probabilities to develop the topic thoroughly in the non-homogeneous case.
In the non-homogeneous environment it is possible to take into account many
aspects of pension schemes. Furthermore, as we will show in the last chapter, the
extension of the non-homogeneous case gives the possibility to consider all the
relevant aspects of pension schemes.
First we describe the model by means of a graph. This graphical approach was
described in Manca (1988).
Figure 6.1 reports the multiple state graph related to our example. The states of
the system are the following:
rs – state in which both the insured, retired and spouse, are living (state 1)
r – state in which only the direct pensioner is living (state 2)
s – state in which only the spouse is living (state 3)
d – state in which both the insured are dead (state 4).
The transition probabilities of the embedded Markov chain are:
- probability of surviving of both the insured
- probability of surviving of direct pensioner
- probability of surviving of the spouse
q - probability of dying in the same period of both the insured persons
q - probability of dying of direct pensioner
- probability of dying of the spouse.