Finance and Insurance models 263
Finally, Table 4.3 and Table 4.4 present the same data that refers to time 5 and
to time 1 (intraday trading) respectively.
As we know, the latter is particularly significant to the problem we have dealt with.
Also in the last two tables, we report the first 15 and the last 15 rows of the results.
All the data including the matrix intermediate results are available upon request.
The fact that the solution of the SMP evolution equation gives probability
distributions allows the reader to easily obtain the dynamic evolution of the finan-
cial phenomenon of interest and to estimate the investment risk in different ways.
Finally, the authors would like to draw attention to the simplicity of the model
and of its use. It was, however, a rather complex procedure to turn the raw data
into input matrices, since the financial data were ready to be used for the
homogeneous Markovian models.
starting state price at time 9 sigma square p.v. at time 0 VaR
28,000 28,000 0 27,974 28,000
28,100 29,905 880 29,878 28,146
28,200 28,200 0 28,174 28,105
28,300 29,822 877 29,795 28,245
28,400 29,974 906 29,947 28,363
28,500 30,014 899 29,987 28,412
28,600 30,002 929 29,975 28,386
28,700 30,056 879 30,028 28,526
28,800 29,894 874 29,867 28,492
28,900 30,124 914 30,096 28,462
29,000 29,948 805 29,921 28,510
29,100 30,272 954 30,244 28,449
29,200 30,243 1,104 30,215 28,442
29,300 30,115 975 30,087 28,393
29,400 30,090 931 30,062 28,317
38,700 37,965 517 37,930 37,312
38,800 38,460 442 38,425 37,784
38,900 38,900 0 38,864 38,805
39,000 39,000 0 38,964 38,905
39,100 38,079 555 38,045 37,317
39,200 38,756 587 38,720 37,807
39,300 39,300 0 39,264 39,205
39,400 38,115 567 38,080 36,930
39,500 39,500 0 39,464 39,405
39,600 39,600 0 39,564 39,505
39,700 39,700 0 39,664 39,605
39,800 39,800 0 39,764 39,705
39,900 39,900 0 39,864 39,805
40,000 40,000 0 39,963 39,905
40,100 40,100 0 40,063 40,005
Table 4.2: Value at expiry date