Black & Scholes extensions 201
Moreover, we always work with the assumption of a constant volatility that we
will suppress in section 10.
9.1 Empirical Studies
Since the opening of the CBOT in Chicago in 1972, numerous studies have been
carried out for testing the results of the Black and Scholes formula.
In the case of efficient markets, the conclusions are the following:
(i) the non-risky interest rate has little influence on the option values,
(ii) the Black and Scholes formula underestimates the market values for calls
with short maturity times, for calls “deep out of the money” (S/K<0.75) and for
calls with weak volatility,
(iii) the Black and Scholes formula overestimates the market values for calls
“deep in the money” (S/K<1.25) and for calls with high volatility. The put values
are often underestimated particularly in the “out of the money” (S>>K) case.
(iv) the puts are often underestimated particularly when they are out of the
9.2 Smile Effect
If we compute the volatility values with the implicit method in different times, in
general, the results show that the volatility is not constant, invalidating thus one
of the basic assumptions of the considered Black and Scholes model.
The graph of the volatility as a function of the exercise price often gives a graph
with a convex curve, a result commonly called the “smile effect”.
But sometimes, concave functions are also observed.
Although, theoretically, volatilities for the pricing of calls and puts are identical,
in practice, some differences are observed; they are assigned to differences of
“bid-offer spread” and to the methodology of the implicit method used at
different times.
The fact that it is important to consider option pricing models with non-constant
volatility is one of the motivations of the next model.
In this section, we present a new extension of the fundamental Black and Scholes
(1973) formula in stochastic finance with the introduction of a random economic