Black & Scholes extensions 173
Commonly, this fair market value is represented by
represents the maturity computed at time t.
Sometimes, it is also useful to represent the call value as a function of the time
We see here that it is absolutely necessary to make assumptions about the
stochastic process
.0),( TttSS
Concerning the economic-financial theory framework, we adopt the assumption
of efficient market, meaning that all the information available at time t is
reflected in the values of the assets and so, transactions having an abnormally
high profitability are not possible.
More precisely, an efficient market satisfies the following assumptions:
1. absence of transaction costs,
2. possibility of short sales,
3. availability of all information to all the economic agents,
4. perfect divisibility of assets,
6. continuous time financial market.
Furthermore, the market is complete; meaning that there exist zero-coupon
bonds without risk for all possible maturities.
Let us remark that the word “information” used in point 3 can have different
interpretations: weak, semi-strong or strong depending on if it is based on past
prices, or on all public information or finally on all possible information that the
agent can find.
According to Fama (1965), the efficient assumption justifies the “random walk”
model in discrete time, saying that if
represents the increment of an asset i
between s and s+1, we have:
() ()
, (1.4)
being a constant and ( ( ))
a sequence of uncorrelated r.v. of mean 0,
sometimes called errors.
If we add the assumptions of equality of variances and of normality of the
, we get in fact a special case of the classical random walk
introduced in Chapter 3.
If the efficiency assumption seems to be natural, some empirical studies show
that it is not always the case in particular, since some agents can have access to
preference information in principle forbidden by the legal authority.
Nevertheless, should such agents use the pertinent information it will be quickly
noticeable by those markets and balance between agents will be restored.
This possibility, also called the case of asymmetric information, was studied by