The raw figures shown in Table 3.7 give the impression that houses increased steadily in value throughout
this period, with a quite substantial gain during the first year. However, if inflation had been very high then
the gain in real terms would have been quite small. Indeed, if the rate of inflation were to exceed the per-
centage rise of this nominal data, then the price of a house would actually fall in real terms. To analyse this
situation we will use Table 3.8, which shows the rates of inflation during this period. Notice that since the
house prices listed in Table 3.8 are quoted at the end of each year, we are not interested in the rate of
inflation during 1990.
We are told in the question to choose 1991 as the base year and calculate the value of the house at ‘1991
prices’. The value of the house at the end of 1991 is obviously $89 000, since no adjustment need be made.
At the end of 1992, the house is worth $93 000. However, during that year inflation was 7.1%. To adjust this
price to ‘1991 prices’ we simply divide by the scale factor 1.071, since we are going backwards in time. We get
= 86 835
93 000
3.1 • Percentages
Table 3.7 shows the price (in thousands of dollars) of an average house in a certain town during a 5-year
period. The price quoted is the value of the house at the end of each year. Use the annual rates of inflation
given in Table 3.8 to adjust the prices to those prevailing at the end of 1991. Compare the rise in both the
nominal and real values of house prices during this period.
Table 3.7
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994
Average house price 72 89 93 100 106
Table 3.8
1991 1992 1993 1994
Annual rate of inflation 10.7% 7.1% 3.5% 2.3%
expenditure. The presence of inflation is particularly irritating when trying to interpret a time
series that involves a monetary value. It is inevitable that this will be influenced by inflation
during any year, and what is of interest is the fluctuation of a time series ‘over and above’ inflation.
Economists deal with this by distinguishing between nominal and real data. Nominal data are
the original, raw data such as those listed in tables in the previous sub-section. These are based
on the prices that prevailed at the time. Real data are the values that have been adjusted to take
inflation into account. The standard way of doing this is to pick a year and then convert the
values for all other years to the level that they would have had in this base year. This may sound
rather complicated, but the idea and calculations involved are really quite simple as the fol-
lowing example demonstrates.
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