14 The following table gives data relating a firm’s output, Q and labour, L.
L 12345
Q 0.50 0.63 0.72 0.80 0.85
The firm’s short-run production function is believed to be of the form
Q = AL
(a) Show that
ln Q = n ln L + ln A
(b) Using the data supplied, copy and complete the following table:
ln L 0.69 1.39
ln Q −0.69 −0.33 −0.16
Plot these points with ln L on the horizontal axis and ln Q on the vertical axis. Draw a straight
line passing as close as possible to all five points.
(c) By finding the slope and vertical intercept of the line sketched in part (b), estimate the values of
the parameters n and A.
15 (Excel) Tabulate values of the following functions for x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, ..., 2. Hence sketch graphs of
these functions, on the same diagram, over the range 0 ≤ x ≤ 2. Discuss, in qualitative terms, any dif-
ferences or similarities between these functions.
y = x (b) y = x
(c) y = x
(d) y =√x (e) y = e
[In Excel, e
is typed EXP(x)]
(Excel) Tabulate values of the functions ln x, log
x and log
x for x = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2, 3, 4,
..., 8. Hence sketch graphs of these functions on the same diagram, over the range 0.2 ≤ x ≤ 8.
Briefly comment on any similarities and differences between them.
[In Excel, natural logs and logs to base 10 are typed as LN(x) and LOG(x) respectively. In general,
to find the logarithm of a number x to base n, type LOG(x, n)]
(Excel) The demand function of a good can be modelled approximately by
P = 100 − Q
(a) Show that if this relation is exact then a graph of ln(150 − 1.5P) against ln Q will be a straight
line passing through the origin with slope n.
(b) For the data given below, tabulate the values of ln(150 − 1.5P) and ln Q. Find the line of best fit
and hence estimate the value of n correct to 1 decimal place.
Q 10 50 60 100 200 400
P 95 85 80 70 50 20
Non-linear Equations
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