300 m thick. Wind shear occurs in the surface layer simply because wind speeds at the
ground are zero and those above the ground are not.
The convective mixed layer is the region of air just above the surface layer.
When sunlight warms the ground during the day, some of the energy is transferred
from the ground to the air just above the ground by conduction. Because the air above
the ground is now warm, it rises buoyantly as a thermal. Thermals originating from the
surface layer rise and gain their maximum acceleration in the convective mixed layer.
As thermals rise, they displace cooler air aloft downward; thus, upward and downward
motions occur, allowing air and pollutants to mix in this layer.
The top of the mixed layer is often bounded by a temperature inversion,which is
an increase in temperature with increasing height. The inversion inhibits the rise of ther-
mals originating from the surface layer or the mixed layer. Some mixing (entrainment)
between the inversion and mixed layer does occur; thus, the inversion layer is called an
entrainment zone. Pollutants are generally trapped beneath or within an inversion; thus,
the closer the inversion is to the ground, the higher pollutant concentrations become.
Other features of the daytime boundary layer are the cloud and subcloud layers.
region in which clouds appear in the boundary layer is the cloud layer, and the region
underneath is the subcloud layer.
During the night [Fig. 3.4(b)], the ground cools radiatively, causing air tempera-
tures to increase with increasing height from the ground, creating a surface inversion.
Once the nighttime surface inversion forms, pollutants, when emitted, are confined to
the surface layer.
Cooling at the top of the surface layer at night cools the bottom of the mixed layer,
reducing the buoyancy and associated mixing at the base of the mixed layer. The portion
of the daytime mixed layer that loses its buoyancy at night is the nocturnal boundary
layer. The remaining portion of the mixed layer is the residual layer. Because thermals
do not form at night, the residual layer does not undergo much change at night, except at
its base. At night, the nocturnal boundary layer thickens, eroding the residual-layer base.
Above the residual layer, the inversion remains. Free Troposphere
The free troposphere lies between the boundary layer and the tropopause. It is a
region in which, on average, the temperature decreases with increasing altitude. The
average rate of temperature decrease in the free troposphere is about 6.5 K km
. The
temperature decreases with increasing altitude in the free troposphere for the following
reason: The ground surface receives energy from the sun daily, heating the ground, but
the top of the troposphere continuously radiates energy upward, cooling the upper
troposphere. The troposphere, itself, has relatively little capacity to absorb solar ener-
gy; thus, it relies on energy-transfer processes from the ground to maintain its
temperature. Convective thermals from the surface transfer energy upward, but as
these thermals rise into regions of lower pressure, they expand and cool, resulting in a
decrease of temperature with increasing height in the troposphere.
The tropopause is the upper boundary of the troposphere. Above the tropopause
base, temperatures are relatively constant with increasing height before increasing
with increasing height in the stratosphere.
Figure 3.5(a) and (b) show zonally averaged temperatures for a generic January and
July, respectively. A zonally averaged temperature is found by averaging temperatures
over all longitudes at a given latitude and altitude. The figure indicates that tropopause
heights are higher (15 to 18 km) over the equator than over the poles (8 to 10 km). Strong