• When sulfuric acid condenses, it usually condenses onto accumulation-mode parti-
cles because these particles have more surface area, when averaged over all
particles in the mode, than do nucleation-or coarse-mode particles.
• Once in accumulation-mode particles, sulfuric acid dissociates primarily to sulfate
]. To maintain charge balance, ammonia gas [NH
(g)], dissolves and disso-
ciates, producing the ammonium ion [NH
]; the major-cation in particles. Thus,
ammonium and sulfate often coexist in accumulation-mode particles.
• Because sulfuric acid has a lower SVP and a greater solubility than does nitric
acid, nitric acid is inhibited from entering accumulation-mode particles that
already contain sulfuric acid.
• Nitric acid tends to dissolve in coarse-mode particles and displace chloride in sea-
spray drops and carbonate in soil-dust particles during acidification. Sulfuric acid
also displaces chloride and carbonate during acidification.
Table 5.6 summarizes the predominant components and their sources in each the
nucleation, accumulation, and coarse particle modes.
The morphologies (structures) and shapes of aerosol particles v
ary with composition.
The older an aerosol particle, the greater the number of layers and attachments the par-
ticle is likely to have. If the aerosol particle is hygroscopic, it absorbs liquid water at
high relative humidities and becomes spherical. If
ions are present and the relative humidity decreases,
solid crystals may form within the particle. Some
observed aerosol particles are flat, others are globu-
lar, others contain layers, and still others are fibrous.
Of particular interest is the morphology and
shape of soot particles, which contain BC, OM, O, N,
and H. Soot particles have important optical effects.
The only source of soot is emissions. Globally, about
55 percent of soot originates from fossil-fuel com-
bustion, and the rest originates from biomass burning
(Cooke and Wilson, 1996; Liousse et al., 1996). An
emitted soot particle is irregularly shaped and mostly
solid, containing from 30 to 2000 graphitic spherules
aggregated with random orientation by collision dur-
ing combustion (Katrlnak et al., 1993). An example
of a soot aggregate is shown in Fig. 5.15(b).
Once emitted, soot particles can coagulate or
grow. Because soot particles are porous and have a
large surface area, they serve as sites on which con-
densation occurs. Although BC in soot is
hydrophobic, some organics in soot attract water, in
which inorganics gases dissolve (Andrews and Larson, 1993). Evidence of condensa-
tion and coagulation is abundant because traffic tunnel studies (Venkataraman et al.,
1994) and test vehicle studies (Maricq et al., 1999; ACEA, 1999) indicate that most
fossil-fuel BC is emitted in particles smaller than 0.2 m in diameter, but ambient
Figure 5.15. Transmission electron microscopy
(TEM) images of (a) ammonium sulfate parti-
cles containing soot (arrows point to soot
inclusions), (b) a chainlike soot aggregate,
and (c) fly-ash spheres consisting of amor-
phous silica collected from a polluted marine
boundary layer in the North Atlantic Ocean by
Pósfai et al. (1999).