Correlational Methods and Statistics
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necessarily selective. All of the formulas are based on Pearson’s formula
and can be found in a more comprehensive statistics text. Each of these coef-
ficients is reported on a scale of 1.00 to 1.00. Thus, each is interpreted
in a fashion similar to Pearson’s r. Last, like Pearson’s r, the coefficient of
determination (r
) can be calculated for each of these correlation coefficients
to determine the proportion of variance in one variable accounted for by the
other variable.
When one or more of the variables is measured on an ordinal (rank-
ing) scale, the appropriate correlation coefficient is Spearman’s rank-order
correlation coefficient. If one of the variables is interval or ratio in nature,
it must be ranked (converted to an ordinal scale) before the calculations are
done. If one of the variables is measured on a dichotomous (having only two
possible values, such as gender) nominal scale, and the other is measured on
an interval or ratio scale, the appropriate correlation coefficient is the point-
biserial correlation coefficient. Last, if both variables are dichotomous and
nominal, the phi coefficient is used.
Although both the point-biserial and phi coefficients are used to
calculate correlations with dichotomous nominal variables, you should
refer back to one of the cautions mentioned earlier in the chapter con-
cerning potential problems when interpreting correlation coefficients—
specifically, the caution regarding restricted ranges. Clearly, a variable
with only two levels has a restricted range. What would the scatterplot
for such a correlation look like? The points would have to be clustered in
columns or groups, depending on whether one or both of the variables
were dichotomous.
Spearman’s rank-order cor-
relation coefficient The
correlation coefficient used
when one (or more) of the vari-
ables is measured on an ordinal
(ranking) scale.
Spearman’s rank-order cor-
relation coefficient The
correlation coefficient used
when one (or more) of the vari-
ables is measured on an ordinal
(ranking) scale.
point-biserial correlation
coefficient The correlation
coefficient used when one of
the variables is measured on
a dichotomous nominal scale,
and the other is measured on
an inter
val or ratio scale.
point-biserial correlation
coefficient The correlation
coefficient used when one of
the variables is measured on
a dichotomous nominal scale,
and the other is measured on
an interval or ratio scale.
phi coefficient The correla-
tion coefficient used when both
measured variables are dichoto-
mous and nominal.
phi coefficient The correla-
tion coefficient used when both
measured variables are dichoto-
mous and nominal.
Correlation Coefficients IN REVIEW
Type of Data Both variables must Both variables are One variable is interval or Both
be interval or ratio ordinal (ranked) ratio, and one variable is variables are
nominal and dichotomous nominal and
Correlation Reported ±.01.0 ±.01.0 ±.01.0 ±.01.0
Applicable? Yes Yes Yes Yes
1. Calculate and interpret r
for an observed correlation coefficient
between SAT scores and college GPAs of .72.
2. In a recent study, researchers were interested in determining the
relationship between gender and amount of time spent studying for
a group of college students. Which correlation coefficient should be
used to assess this relationship?
3. If I wanted to correlate class rank with SAT scores for a group of
50 individuals, which correlation coefficient would I use?
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