■ ■
Thus, the 99% confidence interval ranges from 81.61 to 90.39. We would con-
clude, based on this calculation, that we are 99% confident that the popula-
tion mean lies within this interval.
Typically, statisticians recommend using a 95% or a 99% confidence inter-
val. However, using Table A.2 (the area under the normal curve), you could
construct a confidence interval of 55%, 70%, or any percentage you desire.
It is also possible to do hypothesis testing with confidence intervals.
For example, if you construct a 95% confidence interval based on knowing
a sample mean and then determine that the population mean is not in the
confidence interval, the result is significant. For example, the 95% confidence
interval we constructed earlier of 82.67 89.33 did not include the actual
population mean reported earlier in the chapter ( = 90). Thus, there is less
than a 5% chance that this sample mean could have come from this popula-
tion—the same conclusion we reached when using the z test earlier in the
The t Test: What It Is and What It Does
The t test for a single sample is similar to the z test in that it is also a para-
metric statistical test of the null hypothesis for a single sample. As such, it
is a means of determining the number of standard deviation units a score is
from the mean () of a distribution. With a t test, however, the population
variance is not known. Another difference is that t distributions, although
symmetrical and bell-shaped, do not fit the standard normal distribution.
This means that the areas under the normal curve that apply for the z test do
not apply for the t test.
Student’s t Distribution
The t distribution, known as Student’s t distribution, was developed by
William Sealey Gosset, a chemist who worked for the Guinness Brewing
Company of Dublin, Ireland, at the beginning of the 20th century. Gosset
noticed that for small samples of beer (N 30) chosen for quality-control
testing, the sampling distribution of the means was symmetrical and bell-
shaped but not normal. In other words, with small samples, the curve was
symmetrical, but it was not the standard normal curve; therefore, the pro-
portions under the standard normal curve did not apply. As the size of the
samples in the sampling distribution increased, the sampling distribution
approached the normal distribution, and the proportions under the curve
became more similar to those under the standard normal curve. He eventu-
ally published his finding under the pseudonym “Student,” and with the
help of Karl Pearson, a mathematician, he developed a general formula for
the t distributions (Peters, 1987; Stigler, 1986; Tankard, 1984).
We refer to t distributions in the plural because unlike the z distribution,
of which there is only one, the t distributions are a family of symmetrical
distributions that differ for each sample size. As a result, the critical value
t test A parametric inferen-
tial statistical test of the null
hypothesis for a single sample
where the population variance
is not known.
t test A parametric inferen-
tial statistical test of the null
hypothesis for a single sample
where the population variance
is not known.
Student’s t distribution
A set of distributions that,
although symmetrical and
bell-shaped, are not normally
Student’s t distribution
A set of distributions that,
although symmetrical and
bell-shaped, are not normally
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