Data Organization and Descriptive Statistics
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the skew. As can be seen in Figure 5.6, in a negatively skewed distribution,
the mean is pulled toward the left by the few extremely low scores in the dis-
tribution. As in all distributions, the median divides the distribution in half,
and the mode is the most frequently occurring score in the distribution.
Knowing the shape of a distribution provides valuable information about
the distribution. For example, would you prefer to have a negatively skewed
or positively skewed distribution of exam scores for an exam that you have
taken? Students frequently answer that they would prefer a positively
skewed distribution because they think the term positive means good. Keep
in mind, though, that positive and negative describe the skew of the distribu-
tion, not whether the distribution is “good” or “bad.” Assuming that the
exam scores span the entire possible range (say, 0–100), you should prefer a
negatively skewed distribution—meaning that most people have high scores
and only a few have low scores.
Another example of the value of knowing the shape of a distribution
is provided by Harvard paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould (1985). Gould
was diagnosed in 1982 with a rare form of cancer. He immediately began
researching the disease and learned that it was incurable and had a median
mortality rate of only 8 months after discovery. Rather than immediately
assuming that he would be dead in 8 months, Gould realized this meant
that half of the patients lived longer than 8 months. Because he was diag-
nosed with the disease in its early stages and was receiving high-quality
medical treatment, he reasoned that he could expect to be in the half of the
distribution that lived beyond 8 months. The other piece of information that
Gould found encouraging was the shape of the distribution. Look again at
the two distributions in Figure 5.6, and decide which you would prefer in
this situation. With a positively skewed distribution, the cases to the right
of the median could stretch out for years; this is not true for a negatively
skewed distribution. The distribution of life expectancy for Gould’s disease
was positively skewed, and Gould was obviously in the far right-hand tail
of the distribution because he lived and remained professionally active for
another 20 years.
The descriptive statistics and types of distributions discussed so far are
valuable for describing a sample or group of scores. Sometimes, however,
we want information about a single score. For example, in our exam score
distribution, we may want to know how one person’s exam score compares
with those of others in the class. Or we may want to know how an indi-
vidual’s exam score in one class, say psychology, compares with the same
person’s exam score in another class, say English. Because the two distribu-
tions of exam scores are different (different means and standard deviations),
simply comparing the raw scores on the two exams does not provide this
information. Let’s say an individual who was in the psychology exam dis-
tribution used as an example earlier in the chapter scored 86 on the exam.
Remember, the exam had a mean of 74.00 with a standard deviation (S) of
13.64. Assume that the same person took an English exam and made a score
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