8.4 Calculation of Surface Structure 361
lated from both unrelaxed and relaxed slab calculations with LDA and PW91
functionals. The effect on the energy of optimizing the surface structure is only
0.01 – 00.02 J m
− 2
, which is, at most, around 2%.
For the relaxed surface, the interlayer spacing is hardly changed from the {100}
bulk values. However, small surface rumpling does occur on slab optimization in
which, for MgO at least, O
2 −
ions move to positions further from the slab center
than the Mg
ions. This can be quantifi ed by calculating the dimensionless
in which Z
and Z
are the Z co - ordinates (assuming Z is perpendicular to the
surface) of the O
2 −
and Mg
ions at the surface of the relaxed slab and ∆ Z
the interlayer spacing in the bulk structure. The values given in Table 8.5 are in
the range 2.2 – 2.3% and so the effect is quite small. Interestingly, CaO(100) shows
a negative ∆ Z
, of around the same magnitude, indicating that the metal ions
move away from the bulk termination into the vacuum gap while the anions move
toward the bulk in this case. Skorodumova and coworkers suggest that this is due
to the greater repulsion between the semi - core electrons of the cation and the
O(2p) states for the larger cation [50] .
We saw from the bulk studies that α - Al
is the most crystalline form of
alumina and so many calculations have focused on this form for surface calcula-
tions. The most stable surface in the hexagonal setting is (0001) which was illus-
trated as a type II surface in Figure 8.11 . Manassidis and Gillan [93] have considered
this surface using the LDA, fi nding a surface energy of 1.76 J m
− 2
(Table 8.5 ). This
is lower than found in later calculations at the LDA level by Ruberto and coworkers
[85] , Finnis and coworkers [94] and Di Felice and Northrup [95] , who all fi nd
surface energies around 0.2 J m
− 2
higher. This may be due to the rather thin slab
that was used by Manassidis and Gillan, with only three non - polar stacking units
compared to 6 – 10 in the later calculations. Owing to the computational restrictions
of the computers available at the time, Manassidis and Gillan could only test con-
vergence for the unrelaxed slab with the ions at their bulk positions. In contrast
to the MgO(100) example, relaxation of the α - Al
(0001) slab geometry causes a
dramatic lowering of the surface energy by around 2 J m
− 2
, that is, over 50%. It is
clear that in this case the slab thickness will become important. Indeed in the
study by Ruberto and coworkers it was found that the center of the slab showed
negligible relaxations only for the thickest slabs used, which contained 9 or 10
tri - layers.
Marmier and Parker [96] using PW91 within the VASP program found a surface
energy which is close to the converged LDA results using a six tri - layer slab. This
would be unexpected from the observations made earlier suggesting that GGA
surface energies tend to be lower than LDA. Comparing values calculated by dif-
ferent research groups is always diffi cult; however, the consistent set of calculations
on thicker slabs by Ruberto and coworkers do give a GGA surface energy around