320 Italian Demystifi ed
Appena sarò arrivata, non faremo As soon as I will have arrived, we will
niente. be doing nothing.
Che cosa farà tua sorella, dopo che What will your sister be doing, after you
sarete usciti? will have gone out?
Appena saremo usciti, lei As soon as we will have gone out, she
comincerà a studiare. will start studying.
Che cosa farai, quando saranno What will you be doing, when your
usciti i tuoi amici? friends will have gone out?
Quando saranno usciti, voglio When they will have gone out, I want to
guardare la televisione. watch television.
Che cosa farete, quando i vostri What will you do when your parents will
genitori avranno venduto la casa? have sold the house?
Quando avranno venduto la casa, When they will have sold the house, we
noi andremo in Italia. will be going to Italy.
Written Practice 4
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate future perfect tense forms of the indicated
1. Che cosa faremo, quando lui il conto? What will
we be doing, when he will have paid the bill?
Dopo che lui il conto, potremo andare in
centro. After he will have paid the bill, we can go downtown.
2. Chi pagherà il conto, tu o io? Who will be paying the bill, you or I?
Io il conto prima. I will have already paid the bill
3. Che cosa farete, appena loro? What will you be
doing, as soon as they will have arrived?
Appena , andremo al cinema. As soon as they will
have arrived, we will be going to the movies.
4. Appena , Dino, che cosa faranno i tuoi amici? As
soon as you will have arrived, what will your friends be doing, Dino?
Appena , non faremo niente. As soon as I will
have arrived, we will be doing nothing.