354 Italian Demystifi ed
Sì, ho mangiat . Yes, I ate it. (Be careful! In Italian, this is
3. Signor Verdi, ha venduto la macchina? Mr. Verdi, did you sell the car?
Sì, ho vendut due settimane fa. Yes, I sold it two weeks ago.
4. Signora Marchi, ha comprato le riviste? Mrs. Marchi, did you buy the
Sì, ho comprat ieri. Yes, I bought them yesterday.
5. Marco e Maria, avete visto quel programma? Mark and Mary, did you see
that program?
No, non abbiamo vist . No, we did not see it.
6. Gino, i tuoi amici hanno letto la rivista? Gino, did your friends read the
No, non hanno lett . No, they did not read it.
7. Signora Dini, ha comprato gli stivali? Mrs. Dini, did you buy the boots?
Sì, ho già comprat . Yes, I have already bought them.
8. Signor Verdi, ha comprato le scarpe? Mr. Verdi, did you buy the shoes?
Sì, ho comprat . Yes, I bought them.
A Bit More About Adjectives
In addition to all of the adjectives you have been using, there are certain words that
sometimes function like adjectives, though they may not always be classifi ed as
such. Here are the most common. Note that you have already come across many of
abbastanza enough poco little, few
altro other qualsiasi whichever, any
assai quite, enough stesso same
certo certain tanto much, many, a lot
molto much, many, a lot troppo too much
ogni each, every tutto all
parecchio several, quite a few ultimo last