pagare pagher-
(io) pagherò I will pay, will be paying, am going to pay
(tu) pagherai you (familiar) will pay, will be paying, are going to pay
(Lei) pagherà you (polite) will pay, will be paying, are going to pay
(lui/lei) pagherà he/she will pay, will be paying, is going to pay
(noi) pagheremo we will pay, will be paying, are going to pay
(voi) pagherete you (familiar plural) will pay, will be paying, are going to pay
(Loro) pagheranno you (polite plural) will pay, will be paying, are going to pay
(loro) pagheranno they will pay, will be paying, are going to pay
The -i of verbs ending in -ciare or -giare is not maintained in the conjugation of
the future tense.
cominciare comincer-
(io) comincerò I will start, will be starting, am going to start
(tu) comincerai you (familiar) will start, will be starting, are going to start
(Lei) comincerà you (polite) will start, will be starting, are going to start
(lui/lei) comincerà he/she will start, will be starting, is going to start
(noi) cominceremo we will start, will be starting, are going to start
(voi) comincerete you (familiar plural) will start, will be starting, are going to
(Loro) cominceranno you (polite plural) will start, will be starting, are going to start
(Loro) cominceranno they will start, will be starting, are going to start
mangiare manger-
(io) mangerò I will eat, will be eating, am going to eat
(tu) mangerai you (familiar) will eat, will be eating, are going to eat
(Lei) mangerà you (polite) will eat, will be eating, are going to eat
(lui/lei) mangerà he/she will eat, will be eating, is going to eat
(noi) mangeremo we will eat, will be eating, are going to eat
(voi) mangerete you (familiar plural) will eat, will be eating, are going to eat
(Loro) mangeranno you (polite plural) will eat, will be eating, are going to eat
(loro) mangeranno they will eat, will be eating, are going to eat
CHAPTER 16 Talking About the Future 309