Nouns of Greek Origin
So far you’ve learned that generally if a noun ends in -o it is masculine and if it ends
in -a it is feminine. However, sometimes a noun ends in -a but it is masculine,
because it is of Greek origin. Nouns of Greek origin ending in -amma and -ema
correspond to English nouns ending in -am and -em. They are all masculine.
il problema the problem il programma the program
il teorema the theorem il dramma the drama
il sistema the system il diagramma the diagram
To make these nouns plural, just change the ending to -i.
Singular Plural
il problema the problem i problemi the problems
il programma the program i programmi the programs
il diagramma the diagram i diagrammi the diagrams
Nouns ending in -si are also of Greek origin. They correspond to English nouns
ending in -sis. In this case, however, they are all feminine. And, they are invari-
able—that is, they do not change in the plural.
Singular Plural
la crisi the crisis le crisi the crises
la tesi the thesis le tesi the theses
l’ipotesi the hypothesis le ipotesi the hypotheses
l’analisi the analysis le analisi the analyses
Remember nouns ending in an accented vowel? You have seen them throughout this
book. As you may recall, some are masculine and some feminine. But they are all
invariable in the plural.
Singular Plural
il tè the tea i tè the teas
la città the city le città the cities
il caffè the coffee i caffè the coffees
l’università the university le università the universities
il tassì the taxi i tassì the taxis
CHAPTER 15 More About Nouns and Adjectives 283