Using the
Imperfect Tense
Heres what you will learn in this chapter:
Imperfect Tense
Irregular Verbs in the Imperfect Tense
Progressive Form of the Imperfect Tense
More About Demonstratives and Possessives
Imperfect Tense
Ieri, mentre io dormivo, lui guardava la televisione. Yesterday, while I was sleep-
ing, he was watching television. The two verbs in this sentence are in the imperfect
tense (dormivo and guardava). The imperfect tense differs from the present per-
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248 Italian Demystifi ed
fect in that it allows you to express a past action that continued for an indefi nite
period of time. The sentence does not tell us when the actions of sleeping and
watching television came to an end, does it?
Remember that the present perfect tense, discussed in Chapter 12, allows you, in
essence, to refer to a fi nished past action—an action that can be visualized as hav-
ing started and ended. For example, look at the following sentence. How long did
the sleeping activity last? Two hours.
Ieri ho dormito due ore. Yesterday I slept two hours.
The imperfect is also used to refer to habitual or repeated actions in the past, and
to describe the characteristics of people and things as they used to be.
Da giovane, suonavo il pianoforte. As a youth, I used to play the piano.
Da bambina, lei aveva i capelli As a child, she had (used to have) blonde
biondi. hair.
The imperfect tense is formed by dropping the -re ending from all three conjuga-
tions and adding the following endings:
(io) -vo (noi) -vamo
(tu) -vi (voi) -vate
(Lei) -va (Loro) -vano
(lui/lei) -va (loro) -vano
suonare to play (an instrument)
Drop the -re (suona-) and add the imperfect tense endings:
(io) suonavo I was playing, used to play
(tu) suonavi you (familiar) were playing, used to play
(Lei) suonava you (polite) were playing, used to play
(lui/lei) suonava he/she was playing, used to play
(noi) suonavamo we were playing, used to play
(voi) suonavate you (familiar plural) were playing, used to play
(Loro) suonavano you (polite plural) were playing, used to play
(loro) suonavano they were playing, used to play
scrivere to write
Drop the -re (scrive-) and add the imperfect tense endings:
(io) scrivevo I was writing, used to write
(tu) scrivevi you (familiar) were writing, used to write
(Lei) scriveva you (polite) were writing, used to write
(lui/lei) scriveva he/she was writing, used to write
(noi) scrivevamo we were writing, used to write
(voi) scrivevate you (familiar plural) were writing, used to write
(Loro) scrivevano you (polite plural) were writing, used to write
(loro) scrivevano they were writing, used to write
nire to fi nish
Drop the -re ( ni-) and add the imperfect tense endings:
(io) fi nivo I was fi nishing, used to fi nish
(tu) fi nivi you (familiar) were fi nishing, used to fi nish
(Lei) fi niva you (polite) were fi nishing, used to nish
(lui/lei) fi niva he/she was fi nishing, used to fi nish
(noi) fi nivamo we were fi nishing, used to fi nish
(voi) fi nivate you (familiar plural) were fi nishing, used to nish
(Loro) nivano you (polite plural) were fi nishing, used to nish
(loro) fi nivano they were fi nishing, used to fi nish
NOTE: As you memorize the previous conjugations, note the various English trans-
lations that the imperfect tense allows you to cover.
If the verb is refl exive, the re exive infi nitive ending is dropped in a similar way.
lavarsi to wash oneself
Drop the -rsi (lava-) and add the same imperative endings. But be careful, dont
forget the refl exive pronouns.
CHAPTER 13 Using the Imperfect Tense 249
250 Italian Demystifi ed
(io) mi lavavo I was washing myself, used to wash myself
(tu) ti lavavi you (familiar) were washing yourself, used to wash yourself
(Lei) si lavava you (polite) were washing yourself, used to wash yourself
(lui/lei) si lavava he/she was washing himself/herself, used to wash himself/herself
(noi) ci lavavamo we were washing ourselves, used to wash ourselves
(voi) vi lavavate you (familiar plural) were washing yourselves, used to wash
(Loro) si lavavano you (polite plural) were washing yourselves, used to wash
(loro) si lavavano they were washing themselves, used to wash themselves
Oral Practice
Practice saying the following sentences out loud.
Marco, perché andavi spesso in Mark, why did you used to go often to
Italia da giovane? Italy as a young man?
Andavo spesso in Italia, perché I used to go often, because I was studying
studiavo l’italiano. Italian.
Che cosa guardava tuo fratello What was your brother watching
ieri, mentre tua sorella studiava? yesterday, while your sister was
Lui guardava un programma di He was watching a sports program, while
sport, mentre lei studiava. she was studying.
Pina e Dino, che cosa mangiavate Pina and Dino, what were you eating
ieri, mentre io studiavo? yesterday, while I was studying?
Mangiavamo un panino, mentre We were eating a sandwich, while you
tu studiavi. were studying.
A che ora si alzavano i tuoi genitori At what time did your parents used to get
di solito? up regularly?
Loro si alzavano sempre presto. They always used to get up early.
Quanti amici avevi, Maria, da How many friends did you have, Mary,
bambina? as a child?
Da bambina, avevo tanti amici. As a child, I used to have a lot of friends.
Quanta gente conosceva tua sorella, How many people did your sister know
da giovane? as a youth?
Lei conosceva tanta gente. She used to know a lot of people.
Gina e Paolo, che cosa dovevate Gina and Paul, what did you have to do
fare spesso da bambini? often as children?
Noi dovevamo studiare molto. We had to study a lot.
Che cosa si mettevano i tuoi amici What did your friends used to wear to
da giovani per uscire? go out as youth?
Loro si mettevano sempre vestiti They always put on fashionable clothes.
alla moda.
Bruno, a che ora fi nivi di lavorare Bruno, at what time did you usually
di solito da giovane? nish working as a youth?
Finivo sempre verso le sei. I always used to fi nish around six.
Che cosa faceva tuo padre, mentre What was your father doing, while your
tuo fratello dormiva? brother was sleeping?
Mentre mio fratello dormiva, mio While my brother was sleeping, my father
padre puliva la macchina. was cleaning the car.
Che cosa faceva Gino, mentre voi What was Gino doing as you were going
uscivate? out?
Mentre noi uscivamo, Gino veniva As we were going out, Gino was coming
alla nostra casa. to our house.
È vero che i tuoi amici si divertivano Is it true that your friends always used to
sempre in Italia da bambini? enjoy themselves in Italy as children?
Sì, loro si divertivano sempre. Yes, they always used to enjoy themselves.
Written Practice 1
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the imperfect tense, using the English
translations as a guide.
1. Perché la signora Smith spesso in
Italia da giovane? Why did Mrs. Smith used to go often to Italy as a young
spesso in Italia, perché
l’italiano. She used to go often to Italy, because she was studying Italian.
CHAPTER 13 Using the Imperfect Tense 251
252 Italian Demystifi ed
2. Che cosa voi ieri, mentre noi
? What were you watching yesterday, while
we were studying?
Noi un programma di sport, mentre
voi . We were watching a sports
program, while you were studying.
3. Ragazzi, che cosa ieri, mentre io
? Guys, what were you eating yesterday,
while I was studying?
un panino, mentre tu
. We were eating a sandwich, while
you were studying.
4. A che ora , Marco, di solito? At what
time did you used to get up usually, Mark?
Io sempre presto. I always used to
get up early.
5. Quanti amici tua sorella da
bambina? How many friends did your sister have, as a child?
Da bambina, tanti amici. As a child,
she used to have a lot of friends.
6. Quanta gente voi, da giovani? How
many people did you know as youths?
Noi tanta gente. We used to know a
lot of people.
7. Che cosa fare spesso da bambini
loro? What did they have to do often as children?
Loro studiare molto. They had to
study a lot.
8. Che cosa , Maria, da giovane per
uscire? Mary, what did you used to wear to go out as a youth?
Io sempre vestiti alla moda. I always
put on fashionable clothes.
9. A che ora di lavorare di solito tuo
fratello da giovane? At what time did your brother usually fi nish working
as a youth?
sempre verso le sei. He always used
to fi nish around six.
10. Che cosa faceva il papà, mentre voi ?
What was Dad doing, while you were sleeping?
Mentre noi , il papà
la macchina. While we were sleeping, Dad was cleaning the car.
11. Che cosa faceva Gino, mentre tua sorella ?
What was Gino doing as your sister was going out?
Mentre lei , Gino
alla nostra casa. As she was going out, Gino was coming to our house.
12. È vero che tu sempre in Italia da
bambino? Is it true that you always used to enjoy yourself in Italy as a
Sì, io sempre. Yes, I always used to
enjoy myself.
Irregular Verbs in the Imperfect Tense
As youve seen, the imperfect tense allows you to refer to past actions that were
continuous, to states and conditions that were habitual or recurring, and to the char-
acteristics of people and things as they used to be or once were.
As with the other tenses, some verbs have irregular forms in the imperfect tense,
too. Of the ones you have encountered so far, the following have irregular imperfect
bere to drink
(io) bevevo, (tu) bevevi, (lui/lei/Lei) beveva, (noi) bevevamo, (voi) bevevate, (loro/Loro)
dare to give
(io) davo, (tu) davi, (lui/lei/Lei) dava, (noi) davamo, (voi) davate, (loro/Loro) davano
dire to say, tell
(io) dicevo, (tu) dicevi, (lui/lei/Lei) diceva, (noi) dicevamo, (voi) dicevate, (loro/Loro)
CHAPTER 13 Using the Imperfect Tense 253
254 Italian Demystifi ed
essere to be
(io) ero, (tu) eri, (lui/lei/Lei) era, (noi) eravamo, (voi) eravate, (loro/Loro) erano
fare to do, make
(io) facevo, (tu) facevi, (lui/lei/Lei) faceva, (noi) facevamo, (voi) facevate, (loro/Loro)
stare to stay
(io) stavo, (tu) stavi, (lui/lei/Lei) stava, (noi) stavamo, (voi) stavate, (loro/Loro) stavano
Oral Practice
Practice saying the following sentences out loud.
Marco, che cosa bevevi ieri al bar? Mark, what were you drinking yesterday
at the coffee shop?
Bevevo un cappuccino. I was drinking a cappuccino.
Che cosa dava tuo fratello ai What did your brother used to give to
genitori per Natale? your parents for Christmas?
Lui non dava niente ai genitori. He never gave anything to our parents.
Che cosa dicevate ieri, mentre What were you saying yesterday, while I
io leggevo il giornale? was reading the newspaper?
Non dicevamo niente. We were not saying anything.
Chi erano quegli uomini che Who were those men talking to the
parlavano al professore ieri? professor yesterday?
Erano i suoi cugini. They were his cousins.
Che cosa faceva tua sorella ieri, What was your sister doing yesterday,
mentre tu eri in centro? while you were downtown?
Non faceva niente. She was not doing anything.
Come stava, signora, ieri? How were you feeling yesterday, madam?
Non stavo molto bene. I was not feeling too well.
Written Practice 2
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate imperfect forms of the indicated verbs.
1. Che cosa ieri al bar tua sorella? What was your
sister drinking yesterday at the coffee shop?
Lei un cappuccino. She was drinking a
2. Che cosa a tuo fratello per Natale, Laura? What
did you used to give to your brother for Christmas, Laura?
Io non niente a mio fratello. I never gave
anything to my brother.
3. Che cosa ieri, mentre io
il giornale? What were they saying yesterday, while I was reading the
Non niente. They were not saying anything.
4. Chi quelluomo che al
professore ieri? Who was that man talking to the professor yesterday?
Lui suo cugino. He was his cousin.
5. Che cosa voi ieri, mentre io
in centro? What were you doing yesterday, while I was downtown?
Non niente, mentre tu in
centro. We were not doing anything, while you were downtown.
6. Come , Maria, ieri? How were you feeling
yesterday, Mary?
Non molto bene. I was not feeling too well.
Progressive Form of the Imperfect Tense
The imperfect tense has a corresponding progressive form. If you feel you need to
now, review the present progressive tense in Chapter 9. The imperfect progressive is
conjugated with the imperfect indicative of stare and the gerund of the verb show-
ing the action. Here is the verb guardare conjugated fully in the imperfect
CHAPTER 13 Using the Imperfect Tense 255
256 Italian Demystifi ed
guardare to watch
(io) stavo guardando I was watching
(tu) stavi guardando you (familiar) were watching
(Lei) stava guardando you (polite) were watching
(lui/lei) stava guardando he/she was watching
(noi) stavamo guardando we were watching
(voi) stavate guardando you (familiar plural) were watching
(Loro) stavano guardando you (polite plural) were watching
(loro) stavano guardando they were watching
Recall from Chapter 9 that progressive forms allow you to zero in on an ongoing
action in the past.
Mentre lei stava mangiando, io While she was eating, I was watching
guardavo la televisione. television.
Ieri mia sorella stava studiando, Yesterday my sister was studying, when
quando sei arrivata. you arrived.
Oral Practice
Practice saying the following sentences out loud.
Marco, che cosa stavi bevendo Mark, what were you drinking yesterday
ieri al bar? at the coffee shop?
Stavo bevendo un cappuccino. I was drinking a cappuccino.
Che cosa stava leggendo tuo What was your brother reading
fratello ieri? yesterday?
Lui non stava leggendo niente. He was not reading anything.
Che cosa stavate dicendo ieri, What were you saying yesterday, while I
mentre io leggevo il giornale? was reading the newspaper?
Non stavamo dicendo niente. We were not saying anything.
Che cosa stavate facendo ieri, What were you and your brother doing
Maria, tu e tuo fratello? yesterday, Mary?
Mentre io stavo pulendo la mia While I was cleaning my car, he was
macchina, lui leggeva. reading.