arrivare to arrive
(io) sono arrivato/a I have arrived, I arrived, I did arrive
(tu) sei arrivato/a you (familiar) have arrived, you arrived, you did arrive
(Lei) è arrivato/a you (polite) have arrived, you arrived, you did arrive
(lui) è arrivato he has arrived, he arrived, he did arrive
(lei) è arrivata she has arrived, she arrived, she did arrive
(noi) siamo arrivati/e we have arrived, we arrived, we did arrive
(voi) siete arrivati/e you (familiar plural) have arrived, you arrived, you did arrive
(Loro) sono arrivati/e you (polite plural) have arrived, you arrived, you did arrive
(loro) sono arrivati/e they have arrived, they arrived, they did arrive
So how do you know when to use avere or when to use essere? The best learning
strategy is to assume that most verbs are conjugated with avere (which is true), and
then memorize the verbs that are conjugated with essere. Also, the verbs that use
essere are intransitive (that is, they do not take a direct object) and many of them
generally refer to some type of motion (going, arriving, staying, entering, etc.).
Below is a list of common verbs that are conjugated using essere in compound
tenses—these all have regular past participles. You have encountered most of them,
but take some time to memorize those you don’t know.
andare to go partire to leave
arrivare to arrive sembrare to seem
cadere to fall tornare to return
diventare to become uscire to go out
entrare to enter
Impersonal verbs are also all conjugated with essere. Impersonal verbs are those
that have only third person forms.
durare to last
Il fi lm è durato tre ore. The movie lasted three hours.
costare to cost
Quanto sono costate le mele? How much did the apples cost?
In addition, all refl exive and reciprocal verbs are conjugated with essere.
Io mi sono alzato tardi ieri. I got up late yesterday.
Loro si sono divertiti molto in Italia. They had a lot of fun in Italy.
Mia sorella si è svegliata presto ieri. My sister got up early yesterday.
CHAPTER 12 Using the Present Perfect Tense 235