To examine the effect of ageing yeast colonies (S. cerevisae),
samples from different incubation periods were compared (30)
using DEP over a range of frequencies (10
Hz). When rela-
tively high solution conductivity was used, the very old cells had a
slightly higher yield at low frequencies and a slightly lower yield at
high frequencies. The younger cells differed from the older cells by
exhibiting no collection at 100 Hz.
Further, early DEP studies included comparing canine blood
platelets, or thrombocytes from normal male and female dogs, and
their Factor VIII deficient counterparts, reviewed in (2). The yield
DEP spectra were compared, and moderate differences in the
polarisability of normal and various haemophilic type blood plate-
lets were observed, and bacteria such as flavobacterium, and E. coli,
P. aeruginosa, B. megaterium and B. cereus.
In the 1980s, DEP research concentrated primarily on two
aspects: the search for a model capable of accurately predicting
DEP response and further exploitation of the technique for biolo-
gical applications. One such application was the use of DEP to
bring cells together for electrofusion, reviewed in (4). Other
applications, pursued largely by Dimitrov and colleagues, saw
DEP applied to characterisation of red blood cells (31), a range
of cell types myelomas, hybridomas and lymphocytes B (32), and
white blood cells (33), among others. During this period, the
discovery of electrorotation by Arnold and Zimmermann (1982)
(34) allowed a second electrokinetic method of cell analysis; this
was applied for the measurement of membrane capacitance of
single mesophyll cells in avena-sativa (oats), and the rotation of a
single cell in a rotating field (34, 35). Subsequent work used ROT
to determine the dielectric properties of shelled spheres such as
cells using theory developed by Fuhr and others, reviewed in (36).
In the 1990s, DEP research expanded dramatically due to a
number of factors. First, the ‘‘smeared-out’’ multi-shell model (ori-
ginally developed by Hanai (37), then by Irimajiri and colleagues
(38), and later applied by Huang and colleagues (8)) supplanted
earlier methods of determination of electrical properties, allowing
DEP and ROT data to be interpreted more readily. For example,
Chan and colleagues (39) used multi-shell models to describe the
electrokinetic behaviour of liposomes, and they demonstrated that
the information provided by DEP and ROT yielded values of
dielectric parameters of liposome-like particles. Second, application
of microengineering to the production of microelectrodes allows
easy and direct observation of cell DEP in any laboratory. Finally,
the growth of the ‘‘lab-on-a-chip’’ movement brought an increase
in interest in microengineered analysis and separation devices, par-
ticularly those with potential commercial applications.
Positive and negative DEP were first demonstrated on micro-
electrodes in 1992 by Pethig and colleagues (40) and Gascoyne
and colleagues (41). The former group used yeast cells to show
AC-Electrokinetic Applications in a Biological Setting 207