time (e.g. 90 s). The difference in average brightness between
these two images indicated the strength and direction of the
DEP force. Positive DEP pulls cells towards the walls and removes
them from the bulk liquid and therefore makes the well appear
lighter, while negative DEP pushed cells towards the centre of the
well and thereby makes the well appear darker. Since the field is
applied from the walls of the well, the force is much stronger
around the outside of the well. So, analysing a ring approximately
half the radius of the well along the outside of the well, gives a
better signal to noise ratio than analysing the whole well.
From the automation point of view DEP-well technology offers
several advantages. First of all, the well (and with it the electric field) is
radially symmetric which allows to reduce the mathematical complex-
ity to a one-dimensional system. Fabrication is significantly easier since
industrial lamination technologies can produce laminates with high
accuracy at low cost, in particular, when compared to microfabricated
electrodes. The wells also allow a better sample containment than
(essentially flat) microelectrodes. This allows fabricating devices that
can contain and analyse several different samples in parallel. Modern
fabrication methods such as flex-PCB manufacturing also make it
possible to construct devices apply different frequencies to neighbour-
ing wells, this allows highly parallel analysis whereby several samples
can be analysed at several frequencies on a single device. Devices up to
1,536 well plate standard were fabricated.
4.4. Influence
of Medium
The medium used to perform DEP experiments has an important
influence on their outcome since all properties are measured in
relation to the medium, therefore the medium properties must be
tightly controlled. Positive DEP can only be achieved when the
particle is more polarisable than the medium. Media with a very
high conductivity (such as most culture media) are very polarisable
and therefore show only negative DEP. However, to achieve
spectra with high information content, ideally, several strong tran-
sitions between positive and negative DEP are needed. Therefore
most experiments are performed in media with a conductivity
between 1 mS/m and 10 mS/m. As a ‘‘rule of thumb’’ a conduc-
tivity of 100 mS/m is the upper limit for achieving positive DEP
with cells. Very low conductivity media (less than 1 mS/m) are not
practical in most cases since the conductivity often changes over
time, by absorbing CO
for the atmosphere as well as dissolving
ions from surfaces or even the cells losing ions to the medium.
Lower conductivity media also have a lower current flowing
through the liquid and thereby cause less joule heating. While the
currents in high conductivity media can cause local ‘‘hot-spots’’
that can cause convention currents and electro-thermal flow (36).
The osmotic pressure of the solution is another factor to
consider. Physiological solutions such as culture media contain
around 280 mMol/L of dissolved particles (mostly ions) and is
Dielectrophoresis as a Cell Characterisation Tool 195