526 12 Orographic Clouds
propagate upstream but have been advected to the lee. The diverging waves have
not attempted to propagate upstream but instead have propagated laterally away
from the mountain while being advected to the lee by the basic current. Numerical
model experiments for flow over a 300-500-m-high obstacle have been performed
with the full set of time-dependent equations for a range of wind shear, indicated
by the ratio
R =
U«, where N is given by (2.98). Since N is constant, the range
Ris determined entirely by the shear, as measured by the wind scale height L.
We will examine results, after the flow reaches a steady state, for three values
Results at low R (high shear) are shown in Fig. 12.16. Here only diverging
modes exist. Strong motions are organized in bands forming a pattern similar to
that of the idealized diverging wave crests in Fig. 12.15. The strong vertical
motions are concentrated on the edges of the wedge, with relatively little distur-
bance directly downstream of the mountain in the center of the wedge. Figure
12.17 shows an example of clouds associated with diverging wave modes.
Figure 12.18 shows results at moderate
R. In this case, both types of waves
occur in the wedge-shaped region downwind of the mountain. Only diverging
waves exist outside the wedge. Response at this particular
R includes a strong
transverse pattern across the wedge. These waves turn into diverging structure
outside the wedge. The effect of trapping in the case of the transverse waves is
evident by the series of waves downstream, which resemble lee waves downwind
of a two-dimensional ridge, and by the fact that the wave amplitude rapidly dies
out with increasing altitude (cf. Fig. 12.18a and b). Figure 12.19 shows an example
of clouds associated with predominantly transverse waves.
The case of infinite
R reduces to the no-shear
= constant) case examined
previously. Figure 12.20illustrates this case, in which there is no trapping, and the
horseshoe-shaped vertical velocity pattern is again seen downwind. This pattern
is not readily distinguishable from that of moderate
R (cf. Fig. 12.18).
shoe-shaped clouds are observed to the lee of a mountain peak, they are probably
associated with trapped waves, since the calculations show that even small shear
produces significant trapping.
So far, we have considered only small-amplitude (linear) perturbations pro-
duced in flow over a three-dimensional mountain peak. In the two-dimensional
case, we saw that in the case of shallow-water flow over an obstacle of finite
height, the flow is blocked whenever
[defined by (12.29)] is sufficiently small.
A similar tendency is found in continuously stratified fluid if
A2 « 1 (12.54)
N h
where h
is the maximum height of the mountain. The condition (12.54) is met if
the fluid is either moving slowly, extremely buoyantly stable, or both. If the
obstacle is a three-dimensional peak, rather than a two-dimensional ridge, then
instead of being blocked, the flow turns laterally and finds a way around the
can be shown''" that in the case of (12.54)the flow reduces to a purely
331 See Durran (1990) for further discussion and references.