7.4 Vorticity 249
clouds become tilted out of the horizontal, some of the rotation is about a vertical
axis. This vertical component of vorticity can become quite concentrated and is
manifested most strongly in funnel clouds, waterspouts, and tornadoes.
While it is, of course, possible to view the fluid motions in convective clouds in
terms of pressure gradients and buoyancy in the context of the equation of motion
(7.2), the presence of vortical motions in clouds makes it enticing to examine the
air motions via the vorticity equations (2.58) and (2.59), which eliminate the
pressure-gradient terms and address the rotation directly in terms of the buoyancy
source. In this section, we will examine briefly the development of vorticity in
convective clouds in terms of the horizontal and vertical vorticity equations. Here
we will introduce some basic concepts, which will be applied further and elabo-
rated on in later chapters concerned with thunderstorms and mesoscale convec-
tive systems.
7.4.2 Horizontal Vorticity
The generation of horizontal vorticity
in a two-dimensional Boussinesq fluid is
governed by (2.61), which says that the only way that vorticity about a horizontal
axis can develop within a two-dimensional parcel
air is through a horizontal
buoyancy Ex (i.e., by baroclinic generation). In the case of convective
clouds, the primary situations in which
is generated baroclinically are illustrated
in Fig. 7.22. The case
positively buoyant rising element that overturns like a
Hill's vortex (Sec. 7.3.2) is represented in Fig. 7.22a. In this case, a maximum of
positive buoyancy is centered in the element, so that
Ex is of equal magnitude and
Figure 7.18 Paluch diagram showing aircraft measurements (small crosses) and environmental
sounding data (heavy solid line) for a real cumulus cloud in which air from cloud base (heavy cross)
mixes in various fractions with air entrained from near flight level (about
570 mb). (From Austin et al.,
1985. Reprinted with permission from the American Meteorological Society.)
Figure 7.19 Paluch diagram of the total water mixing ratio
= q, + qc) and "equivalent potential
(6,) for an idealized aircraft flight in a cumulus cloud in which the parcels of air
encountered at flight level are mixtures of cloud-base air and environmental air entrained at a
multiplicity of altitudes and balloon ascent in the environment. Cloud top is determined by the rise of
the few
undiluted parcels.
Figure 7.20 Paluch diagram showing aircraft measurements (small crosses) and environmental
sounding data (heavy solid line) for a real cumulus cloud in which the parcels of air encountered at
flight level are mixtures of air from cloud base (heavy cross) and environmental air entrained at a
multiplicity of altitudes. (From Taylor,
Figure 7.21 Cumulus cloud conceptualized as consisting of a collection of parcels that each
undergo mixing with entrained air at one and only one level. Equal parcels are considered to be
released from cloud base to each of several discrete levels above cloud base
etc.). Upon reaching a
designated level, each parcel is split into several subparcels, each mixing with a different fraction of
environmental air. Cloud top is determined by the rise of the few
undiluted parcels. (Based on
Raymond and Blyth,