6.4 Radiation and Turbulent Mixing in Nimbostratus
modynamic equation (2.78) in this case may be written as
Dt =
where the terms on the right represent latent heating
associated with phase
changes (condensation, evaporation, deposition, sublimation, melting, freezing),
infrared heating
solar heating
and the redistribution of heating by
turbulent mixing
Pov'fJ'). The turbulent mixing was determined as
an adjustment of the temperature lapse rate in the cloud, which was assumed to be
saturated. Wherever the lapse rate becomes potentially unstable
az < 0) in a
model time step, the temperature distribution with respect to height was im-
mediately restored to neutrality
= 0).
is effectively the heating or
cooling implied by the restoration process. The eddy flux convergence was in-
cluded in the water-continuity equations with a K-theory formulation (Sec. 2.10.1)
in which the value of
K was chosen to be that which would produce an amount of
mixing consistent with the convective adjustment
Two-dimensional (no
y-variation) versions of the thermodynamic and water-continuity equations were
integrated in time until steady-state fields were obtained within the nimbostratus
region of a mesoscale convective system similar to that depicted in Fig. 6.12. Air
motions in the nimbostratus were given by observations and held constant at their
observed values during the integration.
The horizontally averaged steady-state values of the terms in (6.2) obtained in
the integration are shown in Fig. 6.17. The cloud base was at the 4-km level, which
was also the
level, while the cloud top was at about 13 km. Under both
nighttime (Fig. 6.17a) and daytime (Fig. 6.17b) conditions, the primary diabatic-
heating effect through most of the cloud layer is the latent heating associated with
vapor deposition on ice. Below cloud base, melting and evaporation produce
cooling, which destabilizes a shallow subcloud layer. The convective overturning
that restores the lapse rate produces a shallow stratus layer, which accounts for
the net warming between 2 and 3 km.
During nighttime (Fig. 6.17a), infrared radiation cools the top
2.5 km of the
deep nimbostratus layer. This cooling destabilizes this upper layer, and turbulent
convective overturning acts to restore the lapse rate by warming the top 1 km of
the cloud above 12-km altitude and cooling a I.S-km-deep layer immediately
Figure 6.14 The steady-state distributions of mixing ratios of (a) snow q" (b) graupel qg, and (c)
qr in a numerical simulation of a stratiform region associated with deep convection located
immediately to the right of the domain of the calculations. Units are g kg-I. (From Rutledge and
Houze, 1987. Reprinted with permission from the American Meteorological Society.)
Figure 6.15 As in Fig. 6.14 except for (a) rain rate (mm h-
and (b) radar reflectivity (dBZ). (From
Rutledge and Houze, 1987. Reprinted with permission from the American Meteorological Society.)
Figure 6.16 As in Fig. 6.14 except for (a) depositional growth rate of less dense snow, (b)
depositional growth rate of more dense snow, (c) melting rate, and (d) rate of evaporation of rain. Units
are 10-
g kg-I
(Courtesy of S. A. Rutledge.)