Simon, Herbert x, 31
Situational determinism; see
Situationism 4, 10–11, 13–18;
and international relations theory
216–220; and neuroscience
152–153; and terrorism 207–209;
and voting behavior 157; and
Western notion of legal responsibility
43–44, 66; as a critique of Barber’s
“presidential character” theory
96–97; attribution theory and
118–119, 131; contrasted with
dispositionism 4–5, 22–23; defined
4; emphasized by social psychology
25; forms of 8–19; “gray area” with
dispositionism 6–8; “hyper-
situationism” 9; integration with
dispositionism 13, 232–241 passim;
power of situations 13–18; see also
Skinner, B.F., 10, 37–44 passim 82; see
also behaviorism; conditioning
Slater, Lauren 233
Smith, Steve 219
Snidal, Duncan 227
Sniderman, Paul 193, 196, 198
Snyder, Richard 220
Social Cognition (Fiske and Taylor) 187
Social dominance theory: and
psychology of nationalism 174–175;
and psychology of racism 186–187;
and social dominance orientation
(SDO) 174–175, 186–187
Social identity theory: and psychology
of nationalism 171–173, 178; and
psychology of racism 194–195;
minimal group paradigm of 172
Social pressure: and Asch line
experiments 47–49; and Challenger
shuttle disaster 67–68; and Janis’s
groupthink theory, 71–78 passim; and
Milgram’s shock experiments 49–52
Social psychology: differences with
cognitive psychology 9–10, 22–23
Sorensen, Theodore 75
Spielberg, Steven 19
Spock, Mr. 134–136
S-R (Stimulus-Response) Behaviorism;
see Behaviorism.
Stalin, Joseph 108, 123
Stanford experiment 8, 10, 17, 44; as
an illustration of situationism 60–61;
criticisms of 61–63; ending of 60;
ethical concerns about 62–63; mock
“prison” used in 59; purpose of 57;
parallels with Abu Ghraib scandal 57,
64–65; “reality” of 59; role of “John
Wayne” in 59–60; summarized
59–63; screening processes used in
59; transformation of subjects in
59–60, 61; variation in behavior of
subjects in 62; see also Zimbardo,
Philip; The Lucifer Effect; Abu Ghraib
Star Trek 134–135
“State of nature” 24, 60–61
Stein, Janice Gross 226–228
Steinberg, Blema 139
Stereotyping 187–190; and affect
191–193; and “cold” cognition
Stern, Eric 80–82
Stevenson, Adlai 29
Stewart, Jon 61
Stewart, Potter 169
Stone, William 24
Stouffer, Samuel 197–198, 200
Suedfeld, Peter 102
Suicide Killers (film) 211
Suicide terrorism 211–215
Sullivan, John 120–121, 197–198, 200
Sundelius, Bengt 80–81
Sung, Kim Il 224
Superego 26–27, 86
Superficial similarity: cognitive appeal
of 127, 128
Sylvan, Donald 129–130
Taber, Charles 138
Tabula Rasa; see “blank slate”
Taine, Hippolyte 24
Tajfel, Henri 171–173, 194
Talaska, Cara 191
Taliban 21
Taylor, Maxwell 207
Taylor, Shelley 6, 117, 119, 187–188
Terrorism 12; definition of 202;
frustration-aggression theory and
202–203; narcissism-aggression
theory and 203–207, passim; negative
identity theory and 204–205;
political psychology of 201–215;
psychoanalytic accounts of 204–207;
situational theories of 207–209;
suicide terrorism and 211–215
278 Index