see also Harris and Fiske, “Social Groups that Elicit Disgust Are Differentially
Processed in MPFC,” Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2: 45–51, 2007.
34 Lasana and Harris, “Dehumanizing the Lowest of the Low,” p.849.
35 Allen Hart, Paul Whalen, Lisa Shin, Sean McInerney, Hakan Fischer, and Scott
Rauch, “Differential Response in the Human Amygdala to Racial Outgroup vs
Ingroup Face Stimuli,” Neuroreport, 11: 2351–55, 2000, p.2354.
36 Elizabeth Phelps, Kevin O’Connor, William Cunningham, Sumie Funuyama,
Christopher Gatenby, John Gore, and Mahzarin Banaji, “Performance on Indirect
Measures of Race Evaluation Predicts Amygdala Activation,” Journal of Cognitive
Neuroscience, 12: 729–38, 2000, p.731.
37 Matthew Lieberman, Ahmad Hariri, Johanna Jarcho, Naomi Eisenberger, and
Susan Bookheimer, “An fMRI Investigation of Race-Related Amygdala Activity in
African-American and Caucasian American Individuals,” Nature: Neuroscience, 8:
720–22, 2005.
38 Ibid., p.722.
39 Paul Sniderman and Thomas Piazza, The Scar of Race (Cambridge, MA: Harvard
University Press, 1993).
40 Ralph Adolphs, “Cognitive Neuroscience of Human Social Behavior,” Nature
Reviews: Neuroscience, 4: 165–78, 2003, p.169.
41 Darren Schreiber, “Race and Social Norms: An fMRI Study,” paper presented at the
International Society of Political Psychology Conference, Portland, OR, 2007.
42 Lawrence Bobo, “Whites’ Opposition to Busing: Symbolic Racism or Realistic
Group Conflict?,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45: 1196–210, 1983;
see also Bobo and Mia Tuan, Prejudice in Politics: Group Position, Public Opinion, and the
Wisconsin Treaty Rights Dispute (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006).
43 Ibid., p.1198.
44 Henri Tajfel, Human Groups and Social Categories (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1981); Tajfel, Social Identity and Intergroup Relations (Cambridge, England:
Cambridge University Press, 1982).
45 James Gibson, “Do Strong Group Identities Fuel Intolerance? Evidence from the
South African Case,” Political Psychology, 27: 665–705, 2006.
46 Ibid., p.667.
47 Ibid., p.684.
48 Paul Sniderman, Thomas Piazza, Philip Tetlock, and Ann Kendrick, “The New
Racism,” American Journal of Political Science, 35: 423–47, 1991, p.424.
49 Donald Kinder and David Sears, “Prejudice and Politics: Symbolic Racism versus
Racial Threats to the Good Life,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40:
414–31, 1981; David Sears and P.J. Henry, “Over Thirty Years Later: A Con-
temporary Look at Symbolic Racism and its Critics,” Advances in Experimental Social
Psychology, 37: 95–150, 2005; David Sears, Coletle van Laar, Mary Carillo, and
Rick Kosterman, “Is it Really Racism? The Origins of White Americans’ Opposition
to Race Targeted Policies,” Public Opinion Quarterly, 61: 16–53, 1997.
50 Paul Sniderman et al., “The New Racism.”
51 Jeremy Wood, “Is ‘Symbolic Racism’ Racism? A Review Informed by Intergroup
Behavior,” Political Psychology, 15: 673–86, 1994, p.677.
52 George Marcus, John Sullivan, Elizabeth Theiss-Morse, and Sandra Wood, With
Malice Toward Some: How People Make Civil Liberties Judgments (New York: Cambridge
University Press, 1995), p.8.
53 Samuel Stouffer, Communism, Conformity and Civil Liberties: A Cross Section of the Nation
Speaks its Mind (New York: Doubleday, 1955).
54 John Sullivan, James Piereson, and George Marcus, Political Tolerance and American
Democracy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982), p.28.
55 Ibid.
260 Notes