6.5 Nonautonomous Linear Systems 131
Example. (Forced Harmonic Oscillator) If we apply an external force
to the harmonic oscillator system, the differential equation governing the
motion becomes
+ bx
+ kx = f (t )
where f (t ) measures the external force. An important special case occurs when
this force is a periodic function of time, which corresponds, for example, to
moving the table on which the mass-spring apparatus resides back and forth
periodically. As a system, the forced harmonic oscillator equation becomes
−k −b
X + G(t ) where G(t ) =
f (t)
For a nonhomogeneous system, the equation that results from dropping the
time-dependent term, namely, X
= AX, is called the homogeneous equation.
We know how to find the general solution of this system. Borrowing the
notation from the previous section, the solution satisfying the initial condition
X(0) = X
X(t ) = exp(tA)X
so this is the general solution of the homogeneous equation.
To find the general solution of the nonhomogeneous equation, suppose
that we have one particular solution Z(t) of this equation. So Z
(t) =
AZ(t) +G(t ). If X(t ) is any solution of the homogeneous equation, then
the function Y (t ) = X (t ) +Z (t ) is another solution of the nonhomogeneous
equation. This follows since we have
= X
+ Z
= AX + AZ + G(t )
= A(X + Z) + G(t)
= AY + G(t ).
Therefore, since we know all solutions of the homogeneous equation, we can
now find the general solution to the nonhomogeneous equation, provided
that we can find just one particular solution of this equation. Often one gets
such a solution by simply guessing that solution (in calculus, this method is
usually called the method of undetermined coefficients). Unfortunately, guessing
a solution does not always work. The following method, called variation of
parameters, does work in all cases. However, there is no guarantee that we can
actually evaluate the required integrals.