Thus the addition of small quantities of nickel and chromium will produce
a general improvement in the basic mechanical properties of strength and
toughness, whilst larger amounts of these elements will introduce new
phenomena such as the stabilisation of austenite at ambient temperatures,
accompanied by the loss of ferromagnetism and, of course, a very high
resistance to corrosion. The alloying elements added may either simply
dissolve in the ferrite or they may combine with some of the carbon,
forming carbides, which associate with the iron carbide already present.
The decision to use alloy steels will not be taken lightly since they are
expensive materials as compared with plain carbon steels. This is to be
expected when it is realised that the unit costs of metals like nickel and
chromium are many times that of ordinary medium carbon steel. Neverthe-
less this extra cost may often be partly offset by the greater ease with
which most alloy steels can be heat-treated, making possible automatic
programming of the heat-treatment cycle with the use of relatively
unskilled labour.
The principal effects which alloying elements have on the microstructure
and properties of a steel can be classified as follows:
13.11 The Effect on the Polymorphic* Transformation Tempera-
tures The polymorphic transformation temperatures which concern us
here are those at 910
C where the a ^± y transformation occurs; and at
C where the y ^ 6 change takes place. That is, when BCC (a) iron
is heated above 910
C it transforms to FCC (y) iron and if heated further
to 1400
C it changes again to BCC (6) iron. These transformations are
reversible on cooling. The temperatures 910
C and 1400
C are designated
and A
respectively (Fig. 13.1). (The A\ temperature is at 723°C—the
'lower critical temperature'—where the austenite ^± pearlite transforma-
tion occurs in plain-carbon steels; whilst the A
temperature is at 769°C,
the Curie point, above which pure iron ceases to be ferromagnetic. The
Curie point has no metallographic significance.)
Some elements, notably nickel, manganese, cobalt and copper, raise the
temperature and lower A
as shown in Fig. 13.1A. Therefore these
elements, when added to a carbon steel tend to stabilise austenite (y) still
further and increase the range of temperature over which austenite can
exist as a stable phase. Other elements, the most important of which
include chromium, tungsten, vanadium, molybdenum, aluminium and sili-
con, have the reverse effect, in that they tend to stabilise ferrite (a) by
raising the A
temperature and lowering the A
, as indicated in Fig. 13.1B.
Such elements restrict the field over which austenite may exist, and thus
form what is commonly called a 'gamma (y) loop'.
Many of the elements of the austenite-stabilising group have a FCC
crystal structure like that of austenite. They therefore dissolve substi-
tutionally with ease in austenite and consequently resist and retard the
transformation of austenite to ferrite. Carbon itself has the same effect on
the y
a transformation in iron, as indicated in the iron-carbon diagram,
* The term 'allotropic' is often used to describe transformations of this
However, 'polymorphic'
more precise since we refer to changes in
structures only, in this instance.