powdered graphite is compressed with powdered copper and tin to make
a bronze bearing which is, as a result, impregnated with graphite. This is
then sintered at about 800
C which is of course well above the melting
point of tin which consequently melts and infiltrates the copper particles
effectively 'soldering' them together. Thus the manufacture of bronze bear-
ings differs from a true powder metallurgy process in this respect. Whilst
still hot the bearings are quenched in lubricating oil. Such treatment results
in a structure resembling a metallic sponge, which, when saturated with
lubricating oil, produces a self-oiling bearing. In some cases the amount
of oil held in the bearing is sufficient to last the lifetime of the machine.
These self-lubricating bearings are used in the automobile industry, but find
particular application in many domestic articles, such as vacuum cleaners,
electric clocks and washing-machines; in all of which, long service with a
minimum of maintenance is necessary.
The Machinability of Metals and Alloys
6.60 The mechanical forming operations already mentioned in this chap-
ter are often classified by engineers as 'chipless-forming' processes. Many
metal-shaping procedures however, rely on metal cutting. The consider-
able technology of these cutting processes is too vast a field to be described
here and is properly the province of the production engineer. Nevertheless
microstructure has considerable influence upon the ease with which a
material can be machined and that aspect will receive a brief mention.
Machinability, or the ease with which a material may be machined, may
be measured in a number of ways. It can be assessed as the energy required
to remove unit volume of the work piece or the thrust required to remove
material at a given rate. It may also be measured in terms of tool life. In
each case standard conditions must be prescribed.
Machining is really a cold-working operation in which the cutting edge
of the tool forms chips or shavings of the material being machined, and
the process will be facilitated if minute cracks form just in advance of the
cutting edge, due to high stress concentrations set up by the latter. Very
ductile alloys do not machine well, because local fracture does not occur
easily under the pressure of the cutting tool. Instead, such alloys will spread
under the pressure of the tool and 'flow' around its edge (Fig. 6.13(i)), so
that it becomes buried in the metal. Friction then plays its part, leading to
the overheating and ultimate destruction of the cutting edge.
6.61 It follows, therefore, that a brittle alloy will be far more suitable
for machining than would a ductile one. On the other hand, a brittle
alloy will generally be unsuitable in ultimate service, particularly under
conditions of shock. However, we can compromise by introducing what is,
in effect, local brittleness in an alloy, whilst at the same time producing
little or no deterioration in the impact toughness of the material as a whole.
Work-hardening of the surface as in the case of 'bright-drawn steel' rod
will produce this local brittleness but a more effective way of increasing