374 Notes to Pages 220–27
remnants of Fort Milroy, but the remnants of West Fort are inaccessible on private
property. The smaller work and infantry parapet connected to West Fort are gone.
Field visit to Winchester, June 18, 1994; Study of Civil War Sites in the Shenandoah
Valley, 73; Grunder and Beck, Second Battle of Winchester, 80.
12. McCarthy, ‘‘One Month in the Summer of ’63,’’ pt. 1, 121–22, 125–26, 128, 130,
and pt. 2, 157, 159–69; Cowan, ‘‘Fortifying Pittsburg in 1863,’’ 60–61; ‘‘Sketch of the
Defenses of Pittsburgh,’’ RG77, Dr. 145-9, NARA. Dr. David R. Breed took about
thirty photographs of Pittsburgh’s defenses in the 1890s. They are among the best
such historic documents I have ever seen. See McCarthy, ‘‘One Month in the Sum-
mer of ’63,’’ pt. 2, 156, 158, 161, 162, 165, 166. See also 168 for a photograph of one of
the forts by an anonymous photographer taken in 1910.
13. Crist, Confederate Invasion of the West Shore, 4–5, 7, 12–14, 16–21, 36; field
visit to Harrisburg, March 24, 1990; ‘‘Sketch of Defensive Works and Approaches at
Harrisburg, Pa,’’ RG77, Dr. 145-10, NARA.
14. Klein, ‘‘Meade’s Pipe Creek Line,’’ 136–39, 141–43; Koons, ‘‘History of Mid-
dleburg,’’ GNMP; Klein, ‘‘Meade’s Pipe Creek Line,’’ 135–36; Church, ‘‘Pipe Creek
Line,’’ 6, GNMP.
15. Klein, ‘‘Meade’s Pipe Creek Line,’’ 144–46; Pfanz, Gettysburg—The First Day,
336–40; Abner Doubleday Journal, in Supplement to the Official Records, 5:88.
16. Pfanz, Gettysburg—The First Day, 75, 130; Abner Doubleday to Seth Williams,
December 14, 1863, OR 27(1):250–51; John C. Robinson to assistant adjutant gen-
eral, First Corps, July 18, 1863, OR 27(1):289; ‘‘Report on Field Defenses on the
Battlefield of Gettysburg,’’ 4–5, GNMP.
17. Pfanz, Gettysburg—The First Day, 76, 85, 87, 104, 106, 109, 114; Vairin Diary,
July 1, 1863, MDAH; field visit to Gettysburg, May 31, 1994.
18. Pfanz, Gettysburg—The First Day, 122, 158–60, 167, 185; Martin, Gettys-
burg, 214; George Harney to J. William Hofmann, August 16, 1865, in Ladd and
Ladd, Bachelder Papers, 2:945–46; Ira G. Grover to J. A. Kellogg, July 9, 1863, OR
19. Pfanz, Gettysburg—The First Day, 229–68; field visit to Gettysburg, June 14,
20. Pfanz, Gettysburg—The First Day, 295, 298–99, 305–6, 312.
21. Lewis, ‘‘Life and Times of Thomas Bailey,’’ 15, 17, GNMP.
22. Pfanz, Gettysburg—Culp’s Hill and Cemetery Hill, 111–12; field visits to Gettys-
burg, May 31, June 14, 1994; Frassanito, Early Photography at Gettysburg, 195–99,
200 (Dawes quote).
23. Frassanito, Early Photography at Gettysburg, 203; Pfanz, Gettysburg—Culp’s
Hill and Cemetery Hill, 112–15; Alpheus S. Williams to daughter, July 6, 1863, in
Quaife, From the Cannon’s Mouth, 226.
24. Frassanito, Early Photography at Gettysburg, 140–42, 196. The photograph