Notes to Pages 78–85 353
No. 1, April 23, 1862, in Malles, Bridge Building in Wartime, 321–25; Fitz John Porter
to Seth Williams, May 8, 1862, OR 11(1):313.
24. Stephen M. Weld to father, April 25, 1862, in Weld, War Diary and Letters, 101.
25. Casdorph, Prince John Magruder, 6, 24, 27, 38–42, 65–68, 72–78.
26. Brent, Memoirs of the War between the States, 159.
27. Danville Leadbetter to John B. Magruder, November 9, 1861, and Alfred L.
Rives to Robert Ould, January 4, 1862, M628, RG109, NARA; Robert E. Lee to
William B. Taliaferro, May 25, 1861, and George Deas to John B. Magruder, Septem-
ber 21, 1861, M998, RG109, NARA.
28. John B. Magruder to Samuel Cooper, May 3, 1862, OR 11(1):405; Riggs,
Embattled Shrine, 58–60, 62.
29. John B. Magruder to Samuel Cooper, May 3, 1862, OR 11(1):405; Warner,
Generals in Gray, 267; Alfred L. Rives to Samuel Cooper, April 8, 1862, M628,
RG109, NARA.
30. Lafayette McLaws to wife, March 31, 1862, in Oeffinger, Soldier’s General,
136; Eugene Janin to father, April 11, 1862, Janin Papers, SHC-UNC; Oliver Otis
Howard, Autobiography, 1:206; John G. Barnard to Joseph G. Totten, May 6, 1862,
OR 11(1):318.
31. John B. Magruder to Samuel Cooper, May 3, 1862, OR 11(1):406; Palfrey,
‘‘Siege of Yorktown,’’ 108; Howell Cobb to Lafayette McLaws, April 9, 1862, McLaws
Papers, SHC-UNC.
32. John G. Barnard to Joseph G. Totten, May 6, 1862, OR 11(1):318; ‘‘Reconnais-
sance of Secession Works and Plan at Siege of Yorktown,’’ RG94, Civil War Atlas,
Manuscript Series, NARA; OR Atlas, pl. 14, no. 1.
33. Symonds, Joseph E. Johnston, 21, 56–58, 70, 91, 148–50; Newton, Joseph E.
Johnston and the Defense of Richmond, 88–92.
34. Early, War Memoirs, 65–66.
35. Cyrus B. Comstock to John G. Barnard, April 12, 1862, in J. G. Barnard, Report
of the Engineer and Artillery Operations, 198; Palfrey, ‘‘Siege of Yorktown,’’ 145–47;
John B. Magruder to Samuel Cooper, May 3, 1862, OR 11(1):406; Perry Mayo to
parents, April 25, 1862, in Hodge, Civil War Letters of Perry Mayo, 205; Miles C.
Macon to unknown, April 17, 1862, in ‘‘Daily Consolidated Reports of Artillery,’’ MC.
36. Palfrey, ‘‘Siege of Yorktown,’’ 145–47; Coffin, Full Duty, 94–95; Erastus Buck
to wife and friends, April 20, 1862, in Balzer, Buck’s Book, 27–28. The United Daugh-
ters of the Confederacy erected a small monument at Dam No. 1 in 1967 to com-
memorate this little fight, and there are also markers relating to the positions of the
15th North Carolina, 7th Georgia, 2nd Louisiana, and 3rd Vermont.
37. Ward Osgood to brother, April 18, 1862, Osgood Papers, SCL-DU; Guiworth,
History of the First Regiment, 143; Sears, To the Gates of Richmond, 48–56.
38. Daniel Harvey Hill to wife, April 22, 1862, Hill Collection, NCDAH; Hilary A.